A website dedicated to helping  to prove the validity of the real existence  of the Targeted Individual Agenda for the sake of the preservation of Life and the memory of History.

This website is dedicated to the abolition of treason against the American people and the citizens of the world who are suffering from persecution and torture at the hands of the powers that have been sworn to protect them. the information contained here is intended to bless genuine T.I.s and Schizoid mind types (both genuine and artificially induced) to waylay them from laying violent hands upon themselves and others

The L.O.R.E. Creed

 1. I believe in the God of the Universe, the God of Truth in whatever way He presents himself to You. I call him Jesus or Yeshuah while recognizing the importance of all faiths working together rather than to quarrel over differences so that the enemy may surely win.

2. I believe in the constitution of the United States of America as being the foremost and greatest document ever to be formed and written to date in history. i believe in protecting Constitutional Freedom above all else in these end times.

3. I believe in the family unit as the most near perfect representation of God in existence and recognize the attack on the family unit as the most devestating weapon that the enemy employs.

4. I believe in recognizing meaning and purpose as paramount to the importance of the immortal soul and that anyone without a system of beliefs which they are willing to die for at any time is basically already dying.

An introduction to our plight

Antivenom is most credibly given proper citation as the majesty of comforting words and such as strongly beside the information my evidences find has kept alive by those whom history portrays either as mentally inferior, conspiracy nuts, or the artistically talented. Yet nonetheless deceived by the spirit of superiority the subtle allusions to this war, its methods and the wiles of its participants in the golden age of film, let us pray, for the souls of those whom by whatever means they have preserved evidences for the surety of our sanity when mankind has failed in keeping the one sacred oath recorded for all time in the gospel of Enoch: if you will but read her pages, will know I write to you not in bias but in hopes for the eternal sanctity of your individual story, each

one as vitally important as the brightest star the human legacy has produced for “the eye has not seen, nor the ear heard, nor has entered into the mind of man the things God has in store for those who truly love Him” ( 1 Corinthians 2:9   ) 

So if you like me have had even the slightest glimpse into the limitlessness we have become privy to…how much more so do we need to carry this message to those whom have been hidden from the wheel.

if you have found your mind upon these words and your attention is still on them, I would ask you to cautiously oversee your dutiful right of skepticism and allow the blessings this little book contains make herself present in your immediate life. That any veils clouding your perfect sight would be lifted per the will of a most high creator of our free will, in as much as would be profitable to you, saying as much in the human condition I cleave to as well as the god of my ancestors that whatever spark of divinity or memory of truth preserves the admiration of beauty, so thou wouldst want to testify to and give long due the credit to which she has entered into the mind of man to forgive, to endure and to fight our common enemy as his wiles are all too convincing to an understanding observer of the human spirit’s perhaps final act on the world stage. Meaning encouragingly that not all witnesses of Christ are here to read bible sermons. That the majority are here to tell their own stories respectfully cleaving to the instillments of their grandparents or to show that age old defeated devil that some without that family unit, have been crushed….chosen to stay alive and become guardians of Us; man’s children as much as those of us who remember a happy home or that wonderfully kind stranger

A doctor’s reward is knowing that his/her patient has been given life as a result of their medicine.  But I find that those who endure patiently for the work of giving dignity to the lives of those deemed less fortunate have to go on seeing only the further victimization and experimentation and direct inhuman treatment which the world system has chosen to persecute, and as the survivors of the holocaust attest to, that the nazi officers themselves were in many cases not as malicious or sensually gratified as the capos, those prisoners given to turn on their fellow survivors.

There is at vicious work amongst our society, our nation rather, a spirit of entitled superiority over those who need the help of welfare to survive, by those who work and have been convinced all too often by another spirit of fear to step out of order in the sight of our captors, so that they do most of the persecuting of the outcasts on the part of a world power which spends in plain sight mere fortunes just to make life a little more bitter to one of those glorious survivors, I doubt not who differ much from the targeted saints our conscience has chosen to sustain engravings of, evidently for the hopes that the partakers of the mystery of sin might come out of the delusion of their captivity and become repentant agents of encouragement alongside the poor they for whatever reasons have accepted whatever lie they have elected to repeat until they believe it so the same as ignoring the truths our witnesses testify to, however uncomfortable the builders of bondage may or very well may not have the power to punish them for. Remember He (our enemy) hates all life and has been your sworn enemy from the beginning. He will not make good on any allegiance they have shown, as you well know the only promise they strive towards is to become involved with you on an interpersonal level, and either make you ignorant of the prospect of Hell or to convince you of whatever sympathy towards darkness would hold your own mind from being delivered from its possibility, if you find yourself in chains by any spirit that does not testify to by the works inmost mankind, the good news of salvation ( I can safely say for my believers in any higher power other than slavery, are my brothers and sisters and it is not by my authority but by the one above to say they will enjoy their just rewards) that such a spirit would be exposed and in such magnificent light fail and falter in their lifelong attempt to seduce you and lead you away from the fruits of the Holy Spirit which  is the gallant rescue of a mind so put to hardship in the culmination of reality, we would comfort you with hard truths and share with you our experience with our escape from the calamity we once took shelter in, even if it were pretending a problem didn’t exist, we all of us, fall short of perfection at some p[oint in our walk.

As for myself, some of my heroes would be my biggest critics given the time they were in my life when I was making all the wrong choices.

Nothing short of miraculously I know I have become my own greatest survival story and I will do my best in these brief pages to give you a valid testimony to my life, my captivity and my return to my life which today I can only choose to continue to reveal  because I believe that any person can experience a day to day life with the faithful certainty be evidences of salvation and the presence of an almighty hand who gave them a meaningful existence and, I can only pray, would sway one of the seemingly hopeless from that rash choice, which because of the malicious withholding of information from the poor, causes so many to lay violent hands upon themselves rather than others. And that they would know that (even when I forget it myself) they are in my prayers for the peace of their spirit and for the rescue of their relatives.

So until we meet again……….

A Note to the Reader

If this found you, if you are hungry for food, water, or (if you’re anything like myself) one single proof of divine intermittence by individual human interaction without a preconceived formula at the expense of your personal, indubitable name, I cannot give you anymore proof than this confession.

My name is Stephen Arthur Hess and I like You am a targeted child of God who has (I hope) nothing (so blessed)to offer other than these words. And because they have to date been given no recognition of similitude, if I don not give them to you with no expectation of return I may have nothing to show for the countless sureties I have been given proof of at the hand of  an Almighty God (or in the case of skeptics-the will of the life of the universe). “have nothing to do with the fruitless workers of darkness, rather expose them”. (EPHESIANS 5:11)

it was some near month ago I had for the first time in my life that I can remember, a revelation, or what I believe to be such. It wasn’t given in any form of speech from another source than myself, I just had one thought which triggered the identification of another story I knew and for whatever reasons, every one lead to another in a perfect clarity. I did the best I could under the state of duress I was under to write them down, and had a vivid and rational picture of Christ’s 40 days in the wilderness. I do not profess to have all the facts, and everyone makes mistakes, but I guess the biggest one I made was that I didn’t lock my door when I went downstairs for a moment to the laundry room in the building I live in. When I took my eyes off the pages, the powers that be took them away from me. Meaning quite physically that the papers were not in my apartment anywhere and no one could have gotten in unless they were in the next unit and darted in and out within  less than one minutes time. While I have suspected things of occurring as often enough is seldom, the like of this  I am by no means, delusional enough to refute the truth when it is presented by means of evidences and mathematics. For example there were some bottles of pedialyte that appeared in somewhat the same fashion but the timing was long enough I rightly suspected the neighbors of leaving them on the desk in the hallway. Now these occurances may not be mind blowing to a veteran of spiritual or supernatural occurrences, but I have been somewhat of a slow boomer to these phenomenon however much I professed in my youth to be aware of the powers above to perform such happenings. The day prior to the missing writings was something else too I’ll tell you what. Because several friends had been in my place I had no reason to not blame one or all of them for playing tricks like putting a filthy napkin out of the trash with a black spot on it inside my pillow case, or filling the shampoo bottle with fermenting yogurt I had thrown out earlier in the dumpster outside. When I was watching  Fr. Alberto Rivera (god rest his soul) he kept making a dying breath sound every other moment but because of the seemingly recent manipulation of broadcasting by the world’s powers I could dismiss some of this for interference by the audiences of the entertainment we human beings are subject to however far it goes back in history. Formerly intoxicated I threw up until my abdomen and sides hurt so bad I thought i might die from pancreatitis or something (I am a bit of hypocondriac but I cannot say other people did not cause or worsen the diagnosis with their crimes against others like me). My foot kept getting kicked out from under me. I’ve had this kind of thing happen before since my late twenties up until now but when you discover the levels to which the  principlities execute mimicking mental illness bit by bit to deceive and keep ignorant the masses it is really difficult to decide for sure what is god, satan, treason, or your own brain. This experience got me sober and kept me sober for a good while considering I have had a background in narcotics since about the age of fifteen and an infatuation with drugs a good two or three years before. I kind of wish it were not the case as my testimony will receive less vindication from some critics but I know it is not impossible to live a life under the influence while maintaining rigorous honesty. I hope that doesn’t sound like an excuse to get high but the Holy Spirit promises us that if we are saved “They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” (MARK 16:18) I try to have faith that regardless of my history of which I am somewhat ashamed even still after years of trying and trying to make a way for myself and failing, that atleast my testimony may help give heart to any other soul who was lost for so long as I was and spare them the burden of staring at peoples feet for god knows how long, “Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake.” (LUKE 6:22),  “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.  Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, forso they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (MATTHEW 5:11-12), “and (since they see that they cannot persuade thee) they endeavor to estrange thee from the land (of they birth) with a view to driving thee away from it-but, then, after thou wilt have left, they themselves will not remain (in it) for more than a little while” (KORAN 17:76). I’m not going to try to explain to you why I use the knowledge of faith’s other than my own except for this… it is how I personally receive the blessing and burden of understanding, and I present the interactions of the early old testament cultures as vindication. I hope it does not offend a believer or non believer enough to throw away the little bit of wisdom I have been so gracefully blessed as to give the reader, however much I may be incorrect in some of my assertions.  It may please the reader to do some research on the origins of Mecca in Petra and the Sryiac/aramaic reading of the Koran. It will only strengthen your wits. As soon as I got off the drugs the war in Israel broke out, or relatively soon after. I had stopped taking zyprexa a month or two prior to getting on the water wagon. I guess I hoped that I might be able to handle what it seems like everybody else is dealing with or atleast I believe that whenever I am not within the vicinity of hearing or seeing the radio or television that the bad guys are targeting whoever else is on their slow kill list. I am not so self absorbed as to think everything is about me and although I have enormous amounts of proof of that, I cannot in good faith reveal their identities without the consent of the fellow. I will however ask if there is any better assertion than this.. “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Revelation 12:17. I believe that we are the identities of the Third secret of Fatima. Any reputable resource ‘has’ dropped enough hints to give validity to the members of our family whom otherwise, God has not given them the right to directly expose us because they do not know one hundred percent that it is the right thing to do much more what we would want to live a normal life without being made more of a spectacle than we already are. “For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.” 1 Cornthians 4:9. Since then I have not had a year that flew by faster in my life. It seems like just the other day my family came to visit me and after a couple months I started to slip away again to substance use mainly to deal with my complex P.T.S.D.  I spent a lot of time sleeping because after I got off the zyprexa I started to suffer what is generally called audio,visual, olfactory, and tactile hallucinations not to the point of total despair (that came later) but more so the vicious attack against my soul by the principalities of the world and what once was men in high places now simple d.j.’s and basically anybody who wants to stay employed. I think it is plainly obvious what that means to those “who buy and sell” (REVELATION 13:16”. I cannot walk into a store and buy a V8 without some weirdo’s stalking me and reminding me of what a deviant sinner I am supposed to be in the image they try harder than coal to present to anyone around me. It’s an old trick but an effective one or atleast it used to be. Before everyone thought the T.I.’s (targeted individuals, telepathic informants) were all meth addicts or Schizophrenics. As much as the last elections brought the silent civil war upon us it did give all the participants in its treason the means by which to come out in the open. To show everyone who they are and what they do when they think they can get away with it. I can only hope and pray that our government is using that to help discover real hidden terrorists and spy’s from Russia or China. But having said that I hold little validity or faith of such measures for we can rely upon the word of god more than the agents of darkness. “Partly, whilst ye were made a gazingstock (gangstalk) both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used”. (HEBREWS 10:33).” A couple months after the cessation from zyprexa the symptoms of what is generally reffered to as Scizophrenia or Complex P.T.S.D.. returned to such uncomfortable levels I started to take seroquel because it is credited as having the least amount of negetive side effects of all the Anti-psychotic drugs, Unfortunatley the watchers have figured out how to get through the medication atleast enough in the case of myself so that (coupled with substance abuse) They can change the energy in my room so that it feels and looks like the inside of a microwave and it is impossible to fall asleep witthout them jumping into your veiw so you risk dying as I have developed severe sleep apnea over the  better part of the last decade  for reasons I do my best to cover in other parts of this expos’e. It was put upon me that day to go to the hospital to get somethjing to knock me out so they couldnt kill me. It seemed to be all set up evidently as the walk I took earlier to pick up my seroquel compelled my better judgement  as such in (among other factors) the grass near my building had been cut freshly and I had been talking earlier about how opium smells like freshly cut grass. I know that is not enough to compel a sceptic but I have been dealing with this type of painfully apparent ‘street-theatre’for a long time. As far back as I can remember there were even in my toddler years people in the stores I was in trying to freak me out. So desperate to avoid the Emergency room  I refused to listen to them (the watchers, voices, v2k, etc) while walking some way toward the hospital. I still do not have an explanation  for why so many people seem to understand what is going on with me at any given time and whenever I am at the most desperate points in life I seem to be completely alone. I probably never will. I never get so arrogant as to assume that I do not sufer the symptoms of mental illness. expecially since then. They got me to go to the  E.R. finally with a move they said was ‘the full treatment’ where they hit you with a bolt of energy so hard that you immediatley go into a state resembling near total dementia’. Their voices become as hostile as imagianble or worse, the colors around you turn high defenition and the world around you melts into a wavy toxic rendition of a hallucination. Some creepy music is playing in snippets. There are conversations going on so real that prior to I only experienced once in a while and only in my right mind. I also saw what I do not beliieve were a delusion, people making thier presence known who were engaged in making me atleast think  were able to infiltarte my experiences in some bullish health care video for the benefit of seeing what Scizo-affective disorder really is like. When I got to the E.R. I was brought to a room where the nurses touched my skin to placebo my brain into coming down off of whatever was in my body, and may or my not have given me a shot of some sedating or tranquilizing medication of which I can remember the taste. My heart rate was 160 which may not be life threatening I dont know but I have been to many an E.R. in my day and have not ever seen it climb higher than 130 and then only on stimulants. Every time I would close my eyes the watchers would jump into my view so that I would jump out of the apnea I was falling into and breathe again. Not for nothing, the nurses around me sure seemed like they saw what I was seeing too or knew what it was. I  saw an eye on the wall wink at me and the cartoon like hallucination must have stopped because I woke up from my nap a couple hours later after shift change and the Doctor kindly offred me a chance to take some subutex which I guess is safer taken in a hospital setting than on the street trying to time the gap from the last use of illicit fentynal so precipiated withdrawl does not occur. I have been on the methadone clinic for a few years now though and I did not beleive that 48 hours off the medication (which is about where I was) would elininate that risk.  Im sure I wanted to use again too.  It was not long after that that my friend Tracy had a birthday and wanted to go shoot a game of pool and when we started walking to the bar a state trooper drove by us and pulled a Huey and drove back past us. I took it as a warning to go home.  I have never really been much for hints however and we kept walking and I could feel the watcher’s simulation start to appear. I aked her if she could see it too and she validated me but wouldnt go home which I begged her to do as I did not feel the presence of Jesus Christ and as I hurried home the hallucination or observence of some li-fi (the next broadcasting communication after they get done with 5g) ridden psuedo-hallucination freaked me out enough to where I called an ambulance thinking I needed the help of the E.R. again but as it so happened I just needed to calm down and sober up.  This entire time since I got off the zyprexa I have been dealing with sleep disturbances that make my former sleep disturbances pale in comparison. When I would fall asleep I could hear the frequency around me change some force of energy weather demonic or as the T.I.’s will tell you is generated by evil men in high places for thier own entertainment using microwave beams and electrical magtnetic signals.  I still don’t know. But for weary years when I would wake up in sleep paralysis I would scream out “HAAARRP” and stomp my foot on the floor to get out of the paralysis and recover control over my body. While I have been suffering from sleep paralysis just about every night since 2018 or so, never has it been so crippling and hopeless as it was since I have experimented with dealing with life off of antipsychotics or only taking seroquel. I am forced to wonder if there are not secret contracts between the watchers and the represetatives of parmacuetical companies and drug lords. Whatever is going on, I was waking up from evil dreams with the realization that I almost died or that I risk dying by sleeping alone. My late freind Jen Mayo let me sleep with her and when the assualt was on me her cat Kiki would run into the room to try to save me bless her heart. She said I would come out of sleep spitting and yelling at whoever I thought was in the room. I was saved by her from being able to say I did not get any real sleep over the last year. I seriouisly compelled myself to check into a psych unit for a week not only to get some help with the sleep issues (sometimes the watchers chase you into a psych floor to run up a huge bill with the national debt somehow) but my experiences with those places since the onset of the panademic convinced me otherwise. When I was at my parents on the weekends I realized they too were under attack by the agents of darkness and I remember being in a sleep state while some other forces were using my voice and mouth to dish out some scripted session of what must be comedic to the ones who are doing it but which must be able to convince other people that they are in need of some medication or worse. Last christmas I was as disturbed by these factors enough that I told myself I would try a different medication and if the assaults continued I would go get some help in a psych-unit. My good Doctor and I decided to try putting me back on the zyprexa and almost overnight the paranormal joke seemed to be over. I get real sleep again now and I am not even forced to take so much that I suffer the devestating side effects tailored to such drugs. I am not syaing that will be your experience I am just telling my own. I would like to say it stops them from knowing what I am thinking or what atleast is going on with me so they can make thier prsence and awareness of it known when the radio or television is on but that thankfully is no longer dismissed by other people as insanity. Around the time I started writing this I joined a prayer group held by the Marian Helpers of Stockbridge Massachusetts who  put my name on a list of souls. they hold a daily mass for. I remember getting one week of real, uninterrupted, dreamless sleep after that before the attacks began again. I do not know if it was God or just the watchers backing off to trick me (yes, they do things like that) but I will always hold that the prayers of Holy people are a medecine within themseleves. I now take 10 mg of Zyprexa before bed and it works but if I miss a dose I have severe sleep apnea which i have recently been resolving with a C-PAP.  That is where I am today and I hope it suffices as well of an opening for this short dissertation as is neccesary for someone else to glean enough of my little bits of wisdoms as can be to let you know you are not alone, or that there is help out there for you. I think of the past ten years when my life started to change drastically and dramatically, for all of those days what I had to show for is this backpack full of writings documenting my experiences and the musings in relation to them. I kept them when everything else i owned was lost or abandoned. I am trying here to best formulate how to share them with You so that You  can know, and let that spirit of fear which is devastating our constitutional freedoms to shed, and give us back our spines and our voices. For the preservation of the memory of history, the sanctity of my ancestors, and the counted brothers and sisters I have  met along the way who may not get this opportunity, here it is 

On Initial Interest in the Mystery

Be wary of anyone who is telling you any sort of equation or means by which to ascend to what is commonly referred to as astral projection. Mostly because being somewhat of a self proclaimed authority on the subject those who love you would never suggest that any child of God given to a youthful enjoyment of natural  life eve give any of their virtue to a game which will doubtlessly leave the child often for a long time in a state as close to despair as terror as can be alluded to one unfamiliar with the nature of the battle we are fighting. This is not any sort of child’s play that no, not one single time even  at its pinnacle of conclusion, which is by any standards a good sport that makes one aware of the authorship of a god of love, with you personally in mind in his craft  even then, is not an experience so beautiful and noble, so perfect as the conscious experience of the god so close and so fearless as can be shown I believe to every single person, that the ego is existent only in pure control of the direction of the human spirit and acceptant of the presence of a love  so overwhelmingly strong that  the fear of the shadow of death cannot enter into the picture. I would rather anyone tether themselves to wholesome memory and virtuos programming so that the flag of victory may always be present in the suffership of life, to take heart in time of need.

Also, I myself never looked much into a phenomenon such as projection and when I became aware of my place in this opera my memories of the dreams of my youth became all the more explanatory and as it were all this matter of ascending to different levels of consciousness just took place weather or not I willed it and had I a proper guide through this very real phenomenon occurring to me, I might have been spared many bad omens and curses that took years from me I can never get back and though I am grateful to have my story, it is only of an importance in my mind if it helps to heal someone else and hopefully spare them the unsurmountable depths of hopelessness (yes, once one knows the meaning of the word no other will do) I came to know which so many of our people of planet earth are experiencing at a level of such magnitude that the world herself has become completely aware or defiant to the existence of those beautiful tormented souls who indentify now as ‘targeted individuals’

There have always been some groups of people claiming all or some of the ideas or evidences which the T.I.’S speak of so sad and boldly. The majority of the information I find available is geared towards an agenda I care not to think too much about. The point is, now more than perhaps ever, people are experiencing the very real and frightening propects of dealing with interpersonally both the obstructers of the fruits of the spirit in a war with the perpetuators of true christ midnedness and they have had longer than any other generation  to inflict upon man the devastating ends to which a crushed voice shoulders these pains, often times  choosing suicdie to escape, and the only surety we have  of a god of love is the experiences to which another human being will confess to have gone to bring sweet sanity to one who is ‘stuck in traffic’ so to speak

‘Love not the world our anything in it” ( 1 John 2:15-16  ) ‘when I’m at a loss for words, I always go back to scripture and though we are told to bravely ‘be no friend with, rather expose workers of darkness’ (Ephesians 5:11), there is a space between human interaction and spiritual influence which cannot be much comprehended by a peaceful mind nor should such nonsensicals be given  any credit  other than their fruits, which are to deceive the sons  and daughters of  man by any means  necessary . To attack his family, women, and children and distort his history, to take if possible the very memory of their long forgotten or ever cherished love from them and invade his mind’s peace so as to take to Hell’s prison with them whomsoever they can whilst they suck the beauty out of everyday ordinances which now so simply can rescue a person trying to stay afloat in the floods overtaking our societies security, most despicably to make him a customer of any such medicine as may take from him when the depths I was myself absorbed into insanity that given the amass of information I’ve taken from my folly, that no natural experience could ever shake me to the loss of the sanctity I now possess. The most likely of which would be to happen by my own hand at the mercy of the aftermath of addiction. My other primary concern- the innocent children who are victims of the blatant theft of the right to DREAM NATURALLY and who are forced into medication and ridicule by the forces at work to disturb them. I will try not to interject my opinions since they are usually a common disgust at the lack of truth to be allowed to breathe near a citizen of society. Also the less I say the more I can choose the information with which to share with (you) a companion in grace and tribulation and so vital a battle to come to awareness of in this generation, that you may choose your weapon with which to take up arms against that great dragon, and feed strength to your Angels, who work ceaselessly for your protection and preservation prosperity and heavenly bounty. Thus far I can only prove by these messages left in old films (which are cited in the bibliography) that “they” (the enemy in an army of real people lead by sinister spiritual agents) they have the means to implant a disturbing dream (or false memory) in an individual and relate the scenario to violences, which is given symbolism by the actors orchestrating the atrocity (beknownst or unknown to the victim) as the sign of a pair of scissors. I do not find these surmising too outlandish to introduce now in a time when more people than ever (with the loss of those generation born into the 20th century) are aware of the severity of mental attack and artificially induced mental illness at the hand of Dark Pharmacy and the shadow government, which I suffer real and artificial sympathy towards however the heroes engaged in the war endure or protect the other intruders, terrorists and treasonists) But if you like counted others have been a victim in this attack, I can only say from the evidence of my record, that the nature of Disturbia which the dream implantation concerns is often so vile that even speaking of it can not help but trigger a negative response in a person untrained to the condition of the vulgarity.

My primary concern with whom to help lives with the thought worn downtrodden who by circumstance or authority do not possess the experience or memory of information to properly deal with this assault. It is evident from the familiar tactics of the enemy which for the sake of my atheistic partakers of this burden I will  refer to the proponents of the various groups of secret indulgence in barbarity so freely reported in the age of information, and although my purposely intended christian overtones are what make me who I am, I  I must give my most gratuitous relish, which is the very foundation of my blessed  nation, that those who worked and bled for the equals comradely of every faith imaginable other than ignorance and brutality, that such now are all enduring the very test of time, seeing the end of such time not far away if we fall to the bait and take up violent hands against the selfish and the enslaved, I will call to memory the existence of the cult of MK ULTRA and the understanding of which shows it to be the research into Karl Marx and the brainwashing that has since continued to multiply despite the voice of reason as to the evidence that communism never works. Even the name MK UTRA is a play on words respelling Karl Marx. Let there be no doubt that  the Demi science to study and understand what brought  such brainwashing to overtake masses of men, I will defer now from from my condemnation and repulsion at its application on its own citizens since for your patriotism you are still reading this, and if you decide to put it down, please leave knowing that the 3rd secret of Fatima is the Targeted individuals, (Rev 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ).  and put my rantings to the test by gleaning whatever information is available in the declining free internet,  my mind can only imagine why that space must be erased to record  what is being withheld from my mind to wit. Please forgive my jumping seemingly off topic, it is just that I have so much to state, and god witness that it be not vain, but in objection of the vanity of the teachers of the truth who have (to my wit) all of them, chosen to withhold such findings from the world at large and that is precisely the reason I object only for the good pleasure of my body of believers in any other god or power other than wickedness, as the learning of the scriptures I love as my own life, there indeed is a spirit of superiority which for some madness of devilry causes nearly all who discover them to elect to hold them captive from those who would have more joy merely for understanding their application to scripture than can be put next to a peice of money. But it is those of us who study the authorship of the stars so diligently and learnedly to all of us come together to find. That little child in the manger, the one who guides our hearts and our reason, yet we have all of us been deceived by that Herod who were it not for our common angels revealing his sociopathic trynnay in a dream, we would ourselves have betrayed our lord. It is these insdiscernable psychopaths and the principality which governs them which would hide itself however possible and create delusion,  which would lead you away from life where You can not come back from and miss out on what may only be for some of us-a moment I a single day which some artistic expression has left the touch of beauty to us and freed us from a continuous observation of individual persecution , arguably I would wishful so many blessings for you that you would always be free. But I’m not going to pretend too have a cure for that, Those who have elected to continue to wage war on those whom  deceit in all its strength have decided will suffer the consequences on this level of existence for remaining faithful to the agreement of life to exist, and however the disturbed we appear to be to the finger which only points at us if we call it out for ignorning us, I dare not dwell on the inability (seemingly I do hope) of those under fear of that finger to become repentant mutineers of whatever master holds them captive. We are now for the first time since our country’s independenc (as our nations servants of freedom’s way have recorded themselves and been openly taught, before the necessity of crookedly as is plainly being accepted) on a road towards total enslavement rather than progress and im pretty sure we all know it. As far back as mans fingerprints left residue we find the seamless exhibition of the acts of perversion in persecution, and now we call her objectors the persecutory delusional. Glean whatever you find  to shed light with.. But I would tell of the history of the promise of almighty god to the children of Abraham, of Israel who against all odds are still here, and by the gift of medicine we are able to help more folk suffering than at any other point in recorded history, may I ask you to imagine a time on Earth when Israel was enthroned on earths kingdom with such an unshakable presence that the codes of her conduct have been immoveably restored to the human conscience and by the last true minstrels of legacy would be shared with all future contains for our existence. That such a power would never go to war herself for any other person than to rescue his unfamiliar siblings from what governance held them from coming even in chains, to the mercy seat of planet earth and become of our own flock no word so sinister as slavery could tarnish, but learn her hero’s conducts and once freed from that spirit of the world, once given room to breathe and  teach what they have, aye that most celestially celebrated emergence under the sun as can be found here on this terrestrree, to go forth as Israels adopted foreigner and wage war alongside their Angels on the destructible mind of the chains of delusion. Where is there left in this map the star has not gone? And still some 6,000 years later and rightly so, the bigger stick

I choose not to apollogize for those who have gone so far into the acts of deceit that some will of sympathy still pull my heart in partition of their repentance in  once secret and ceaseless prayer my own self in afore so certain and so wasteful research of sin- so offensive to Jehovah for  it’s sentence  boast not his grace, should such my own wretch desire to judge any person weather they be a friend or enemy to the human being. 

There however remains the bird’s eye view of our interactions and if no one is left to call the emperor naked he will make you see yourselves as such, And I suppose that I’ve gone more to romance of quill’s pleasure than to the point of this effort. I’ll try to make this experience brief as a story of the gift of life is not an uncommon one. My only real qualm would be the rather extensive duration of my folly. I hope this helps. 

A brief History of Crime

I am never going to be anyone other than what my foundation laid out for me , so I will try to remember that rather than give dues to whatever agents who shall remain nameless (hopefully not} for eternity despite what they’ve done to my most beloved people.

I had a good childhood and my relationship with my parents and grandparents are the most sacred blessings I have to testify to. My most treasured memories at this time I would have to admit I choose not to consider.  In fact a house of sorrow is better than one of laughter. In my resilience towards my captivity I like to tell myself that my memories of my wonderful child ship I will bury so deep in my soul that it may be the only thing left to present unblemished and untouched to the might of my very approachable author of immortality, Whilst the cowards who roped me perhaps partially conceive the full scape of the inconceivability of the torment they will suffer in the absence of the presence of Jehovah. Upon my teenage years and for a good deal after I simply wandered. In my selfish ignorance of sins composers from whatever time I departed from childhood until I became aware that I was naked and under scrutiny and quite suddenly I knew how it felt to be alone and deeply hurt in the world and became determined that I would never desire to be in the want to make another person feel so diabolically wronged. However my previous 27-28 years were mostly foreign to me and yes, in the juggernaut of drug seeking I did lie and steal and do damage to enough creatures that some relationships I don’t know if I will ever be able to amend fully, but for the spite of my aggressors I must say that those relationships may not be set right even by me, if the counterparts do not forgive me my missteps, and take up this war themselves. I find no reason not to hope so. Having separated that steeple from  the snare my enemy has been setting for every member of my blood since whoever my initial sire was who pissed him off enough to do this, I trust I am not without the bitter comfort of others who have seen just how alienated this enemy can make a family unit in mere moments when the time comes to cast him on the light table and analyze him for the maggot he is. Such situations are, I sadly have seen, to be the foremost disturbing disgrace to the presentation of a life in general. Such a scene, however many holes I have been in, whatever filth the programming of  the last number of generations combined can attempt to insult my character with, nothing I have seen even in the putridity of the disturbance of my dreams, has scared my soul more than seeing what the enemy can do to a family in one session of calling him out in every aspect of his nature. In all  I have suffered (so much to some, so little to the majority of the poor people of the world at large) I have never truly given up hope, so quickly by the force of rueful acceptance, how fast he can isolate and wither a family unit, and it is only later, by the absolute determination to deprive him of any space of his secrecy-mainly by  refusing to create a double entendre to allow doubt to fester in the presence of a loved ones Holy Spirit, and exposing his tactics without fear of his retribution, and by being the one to suffer for them so they can live and go on retaining their grasp on reality, that this great weeping in heaven can be restored to a “normal” existence in the shadow our free world has become accepting of. Having said that, I’m going to go back to talking about myself. Because  although we are all in this together, some of us have suffered more than others in ways that most of us can not understand. If I could give them a medal of honor, they could wear under their scrubs, and go back to work, that I would.

So, whether anyone else really watched my stripes change, I was put from the frying pan of ignorance to the fire of spiritual warfare and the deceitful ministry of such agents as have fallen seemingly overnight.

As far back as I feel like telling you, I drugged. But for the sake of recognition, it always seemed like my teachers were ‘out to get me’. I stole my permanent record in my sophomore year from the desk in the principal’s office and it was just a bunch of negative stuff about me. Like they were gearing up to put me on some C.I.A. psycho watch list or something. You know how it is. I found  my pleasure in accompanying reality from my books, mostly. Tolkien. Once I met marijauna books were second place if anything but trophies, and the ways of addiction continued so that from from about age 15 on I was mostly homeless ( and because of the respect I suppose I never knew other than in the figures of my grandparents, here now I would have to say that was by divine providence)  and I never “stayed in one place long” Had it not been for the indomitable christendom my guide Rep. Gary Hopper (R.I.P.) gave to me in so many ways today but then mostly in charity if such a hand can hold that name when giving christian love to someone as close to his heart as I am so comforted to know I had. But by 2013 I had racked up enough war stories to bang with the best of them. A near fatal attempt at using left my life rescued by the hospital and I was put in the state sanitarium for the first time being taken truly seriously by myself and also as such far I can convict a place harboring such true christian love as Fruit Street in Concord. I met with one Doctor who spoke with my probation officer and told me that He had never heard such a compassionate plea from a P.O. stating that his primary concern was how alienated from my family I had become. I had resolved earlier to try to make my way to Concord to be part of the messianic congregation there who met in a school building but it never happened. (If you have been under a rock for the last 40 years, ‘messianic’ is a name given to the movement of christians who celebrate the jewish holidays given in the Bible to be a standing order forever unto all generations. They get a bad rap from every denomination I have met who doesn’t understand them, mostly because alot of them are kind of cocky like I was and always use Yeshua instead of Jesus and talk about the pagan origins of Christmas and annoying things like that. Atleast that’s the best explanation I can give to a movement which has been in what I interpret to be a denomination that earns followers a few extra brownie points from above, and perhaps a little more torment here in the world. Because of my knowledge of these customs, it became vividly and painfully evident and apparent of the hatred and sadistic merrymaking the enemy takes in blaspheming them (the holy days) at nearly every opportunity unless he doesn’t to keep someone from finding out how COOL it is and how close to Jesus you are when you accept these customs ‘really they’re laws to keep us grounded in our war’ alongside whatever other denomination of christianity (or other religions) you are immersed in by the same will of the same God we all believe in. There. That’s messianic. Plus if you get a doctor who doesn’t know and thinks it means masonic you may be able to get some nice meds out of them. I don’t know, cause im basically a human V chip) and  in retrospect I know that you never really can know a persons heart just by the expression on their face or (meaning Doctors I have been helped by) a brief  interaction with them. I remember the first time I saw a Doctor whose piercing gaze I took to be wicked only to discover in meeting with him how wrong I was and what a blessing it was to receive his counsel.

When Joe’s taxi took me home to my parents I watched a movie by myself late at night without paying for it. Some halfhearted meth-sentiment (though I was sober which makes it all the more embarrassing to own up to) with the darker side of creation left an impression on me. I was supposed to go to a rehab in Manchester but long story short I met one old friend and a new one who has become an old one who put me up as best they could .There was a snowstorm and I was outside  just chilling on Maple Street in Manchester across from Mr. Han’s Convenience store and I ‘felt’ or rather had an awareness  by observation that when I bowed my head towards people that were a block or two away they responded in similar fashion. I think it was that same night that I ended up in the shelter there but around  1:30 am or something like that I don’t remember it may have been 10 p.m. it may have been 4 a.m, I got kicked out because of some incident that happened a year or two prior when I hallucinated taking someone to dinner there whom I lost and freaked out and when the police came they showed me that person was at home and never came. I had taken a bottle of cyclobenzoprene from a nice girl who sheltered me and I guess thats what can happen if you take too many of those. The Good woman who ran the shelter needed an apology I never got the chance to give (I think) so they regretfully had to ask me to leave. I remember waiting in line for that place to open the doors and a really feeble brittle and silent old man showed up last. Him and me were down in the lower floor cuz the place was full. At least that’s what seemed to be the case. He kept shaking under his polar fleece blanket the whole time while I huddled under mine playing ‘all the thinks you can think’ when I had to vacate the premises I tearfully put my blanket  over him and there were not any nazi’s working so the staff didn’t say anything. I guess today the difference is I would have given him my blanket from the beginning and left. Before the doors even opened that I realized that man was me, and  I’ll tell you, I still don’t know if I was right or not. They gave me a pen and some paper and a blue fleece blanket when I left. People who help homeless people are my heroes. It sucks to watch some of them turn. Only on me I guess though or those like me (T.I.’s) so I’m grateful I got away from those people after about a decade of enduring tier crap and landed a place to live, which last autumn looked to be about as impossible an ability for me to get being me in a world that hates people like me. Sorry…people like us. I landed myself in a hospital waiting room, my hypochondria telling me I should atleast get checked out for something so I wasn’t rude and just taking up space, and I was still detoxing from my first time leaving a methadone clinic. That story is crazy. I ended up in a hotel in Bellows Falls with some rat bastard. (I had missed some doses and it was probably my fault but thats not the point) He gave me a white sub and said they looked it up online n it was fine and me, being a naive arse of a fiend put that thing right in my arm whole. If you’ve ever done that you know what happens. My friend Jo called the ambulance and the good old Vermont police talked smack to me and made me out to be a bullshit artist. Today I believe it to be possible that they were trying to kill me, and you can examine my proofs further on in this escapade. The hospital said they had no clue about anything to do with the interactions of either drug and it was early 2014 in Northern New England so maybe, but to have not one person know theres nothing you can do except give the person a benzo (Not a Xanax bar) and wait it out. I’ve heard the experience can be potentially fatal, If not it is so grueling you will never forget it. But it’s a good story and something I guess happened is they gave me anibuse or something because when I went back to the clinic (after Jo waited all night and covered me with blankets and got us back to the hotel, and I stole her weed  because thats the amount of respect I had for people back then). I was completely unaware of this plot to ruin my life, probably because I was doing a pretty good job of it by myself. Yeah I went back to the clinic and I would dose and just keep getting sick and detoxing. Who knows maybe the whole insanity of becoming aware of satan distracted me from my withdrawals or maybe it was the speed, the point is, you can plainly see why my girl had no just cause to leave me after enduring 3 years of  this behavior. (I’ve never been very good at making jokes). Good thing too, because doing that act from 15-27 left me with at least 6 overdoses in public requiring Narcan (remind me to ask Lazarus about that one, Marthas hair and the nard).I usually used like that,alone, and somehow someone always saw me and called. I don’t know if “all these people” will call or not. I guess people are people. And that’s the primary reason I have enough hope for their repentance.  As far as I know, I’m telling you the truth, and I’m do not fancy myself to be much of a writer, so I’m correcting the opinion of the character in play as one who is choosing these words with as much care as he can. My friend Karen could probably direct me better with this, remarkable survival story, but she is fighting for her life just as much as I am right now, which sucks, cause I only ever had a few best friends until I met Her, and Ian, and Rich, and Sean, and the troupe. See, I did really value my girl as my best friend, and as enthralled as everyone seems to be on tv and the air with my time on earth, abandoning Her in my plain ignorance and emotional abuse, leaves me here, telling people I will probably never meet how much I love them…..I hope that helps, but I don’t think anyone this side of Venus knows just how this is. To be part of the lives of nearly every person of note on earth, and be completely alone, and have no love from any of them other than the vast amounts of evidences they have given me to prove the validity of my case. For those of them who did it for that reason, I will try to remember to pray a little harder for as it must be painfully difficult to do. But I also get to show you the exceptions to the rule (hold that.) Oh yeah, on with my wonderful life.

So I’m sitting in this Hospital waiting room after pulling the I.v. out and making a scene and I’m on the phone calling Gary. It a frieakin blizzard out too. A man comes in to use the waiting room phone to call someone to help his friend and I had dropped a chocolate I had and he pointed it out. For the sake of argument I will say that I was always a pretty nice and generous, and caring guy when I wasn’t trying to get high. Or dead for however long with no apparent brain damage. I know enough epileptics have ended up with whatever label people like us get. I remember the sweatpants and shirts I had on which reeked like smoke and how before I went in to the hospital, I had gone to the pharmacy next door to stock up on snacks for the night. Maybe that’s where they got the ‘Netflix and chill’ one from. Who knows? Someone does for sure, a ship ton of them. And they aaaallll suck. If you didn’t know me before you read this you’ll probably figure out pretty quick that just about every single thing you’re going to see in any industry is about me or some wise crack at my family which includes not only my blood relations but also the other characters of Targeted operations who are victims of this assault on privacy and freedom by the pillars of society. You know, the people who own everything and blaspheme your family’s good name over everything they can to drive your relatives to suicide, homicide, jails, institutions, medication, or just plain old torture for the fun of it. Everybody knows one of us now (a T.I.) and most of our friends are suffering too being jabbed at with certain pieces of stuff you have to buy with money to survive or look at when you open your eyes from whatever theyre blasting into your visual cortex when they’re shut. These are some sick sick people. They make Hitler look like a halfway mentionable figure because he got caught, and his regime got prosecuted. These people are never going to have to suffer the consequences of doing their time. We are working with limited years left here in history this side of whatever comes next, and I hope you keep reading so I can blast some of their shames out . They deserve it, but sadly that’s irrelevant in that they want it out I guess, cause it’s that much more medication they can put people on if they cant deal with this. I’m sorry that they are part of my story. I’m holding on loosely now, because as of yet I have not seen one single case of repentance from one of them. And as a Christian, it sucks to have to draw the line between whose soul you care about more. – In the store anyways the cashier was just a wicked runt to me, in front of the customers, saying I was some tweaker looking for sugar to go play D+D in my basement or something, but it could have just been  one of the ensemble of voices that I didn’t really know abut then. So here I am going to the hospital again. After I called Gary and he sent  my rescue ride, I had been in there hearing the voices of the people who worked there and they all seemed to know who I was and were hating on me. Saying they wished I would just run out into the snow  and die. I was going to get it when the money was right. Stuff like that. Being a novice to the authority of the watchers and their imitators I was as shaken as someone like me can be, which means in my mind I knew that I really needed help and that I had alot of enemies but I don’t think my body ever shook enough to really satisfy their lust for sadism (were there even indeed perpetrators on that particular scene) and that’s probably never going to change until the axe comes and that day should it come I pray something I say changes one of their minds but I’ll bet allot of people say that. That’s coming from someone who’s conversed about this stuff with people so rarely I had to write a book about it for strangers.  So I waited for my ride at the waiting room. It was empty other than the staff who I couldn’t see but for the guard once or twice. That’s a far cry from today. Today when I went into the waiting room it was so full of nasty old people (I guess they’re satanist or something I hear the term liberals alot but I think they use that title for all they can to hurt people too) and there isn’t a doubt in my mind that the whole scene was orchestrated to make me flip out and call  emergency line from the waiting room because I was sure I was having kidney failure or something (they’re good at doing that. I used to fall for it nearly every single time.) oh yeah if it isn’t clear by now, they know me pretty well at the emergency rooms. I remember when they were cool. I remember when they turned or revealed their little operation, and I’m off in another world right now so I can’t tell you if they changed or not but I don’t pray enough for the nurses in the e.r. who have to deal with that trauma all day and that abuse of their oath just to make sure that people like me, maybe people a little or great deal better than me don’t get mistreated as far as they can stare at. 

My hospitalizations took a hiatus as I didn’t like the feeling of actual observation. Being institutionalized you see I never gave it much attention. It’s there, idk who’s watching, and im trying to retreat. I don’t know if that helps me today or not. For all the brainwashing I took on to have animosity towards the police, I never really had much of a reason to detest them until my life became apparent to me to be sport for sickos and then the numerous government agencies who claim to protect us I tried i don’t know how many times and places, alot, and all I realized was that this thing they do to us is not getting any collaboration from the agencies to acknowledge us as human beings or stop the sadistic and I will repeat sadistic because I don’t know any other psychological terminology for the mindset of the brood of vipers who revel in it. I’ve done some bad things, and I remember putting off the guilt and knowing I would deal with it later, and lying to myself somehow in my pursuit of substances so that time became last place in miming, even in my years of confinement I would write my steps out and at least think I was sorry. I do recall the understanding that I was seemingly naked though. Soon after that moment it was so far removed from me to ever hurt or use another person. It fails me to understand what a human being who knows more than I do, does to people like us and goes so remorseless that it would be better that his ‘subjects’ rose up and took him in chains and terror on a march through town out onto a boat and as soon as it was dangerously deep let him be drowned in it, regardless of the cries for mercy and the apparent and relative desperation for one more chance to do whatever they could to make it right. Because I guess they might have a shot at purgatory or something. 

When I was 15 I became aware that there existed a so called ‘new world order’. When I was 22 or 23 I had seen enough evidence however clouted to keep me talking about it a lot. It was in my permanent record the time I mentioned ‘the freemasons’ in school and the math teacher went and reported it with his own twist on what I said. I never knew that, but I always hated that math teacher, I remember a really good one I had, Mr Wasserman. He was my favorite teacher. I don’t remember another one who liberated us so much with literatures and told us what a double entendre was. Then again, I didn’t get to my classes enough to care. Until I grew up. It takes a special person and heart to be a teacher, and I’m lucky I had some good ones in the mix of the jerks who probably have the naughty comics I made that always got me suspended and never got given to my parents, not even a copy. I wonder what has become of them?  I wonder why they weren’t in my permanent record either..those weren’t the funniest things anyones ever seen in their life or anything. 

Enough small talk

It wasn’t more than a couple of days once I realized that alot of people were talking about me. After the hospital night I stopped hearing it. Atleast at that entire time I was certain that I was hearing the voices and eventually the thoughts of actual people within my proximity due to perhaps an increase in my senses or something.  One night with this  ‘witch’ I started to catch feelings for took me on for whatever number of dumb days we were together and I guess  it ended in some embarrassing scene to recall of me throwing away my religion to see what else was out there that would help me apparently stop failing at life and survive the apocalypse, I have to say if I didn’t half believe my own bullish it would have been a commendable act in the director’s cut. This chick I think the next morning let me know she wasn’t all about me and as usually that type of thing would be foreign and repulsive to me, I don’t remember having any feelings at all other than probably the initial pain that you stuff down and ignore cause that’s how it is in life I guess. Now I went through  some sort of initiation ritual I think was mostly derived for my own amusement and in retrospect I think they heard the voices telling them to do it and it was sort of set that I would probably get sick of it real quick and expose it. I remember one of them telling me ‘they wanted that book’.  They seemed to respect my christianity but would allude that I should just  call it ‘something else’ for the sake of whatever this stuff was. If I wasn’t using none of this stuff would have happened. And it’s embarrassing to remember the things I said and tried to say correctly to be as real to my self betterment as I could, though when you bring up anything like speaking in black and white terms to these people they only look at you like you betrayed yourself and like they want to duff you out or something. It’s a fun act for a shmuck I suppose but I took my role as watchdog pretty seriously for a while. The biggest problem with the entire ordeal (as of then anyways, as I didn’t know who I was then) is the whole telepathic/telekinesis thing that Evvvverybody seemed to be doing once I figured out I “wasn’t crazy, I really could communicate with people thru my mind, and  I apparently had friends all over the place now”. There’s all kinds of stuff I can say about the whole beginning of the nightmare that rescued me from the living nightmare I had amounted to be in life. But from then on I will attest that being observed made me all too aware of my sinful nature, and a determination within initial declaration to live by the morality I had professed to live by as far back as I had been living halfheartedly. My parents immediately recognized the change of lifestyle I had made, and I fell in love with my ex again, not the one who left me over my drugging. The next one, Carrie. We had met when I was at my worst, she was at her worst. I took her on hitchhiking adventures and once we stole a car and went to mass and chopped it for scraps and got on a bus to Connecticut where some nice couple of people at a meeting bought us bus tickets to Florida. When we got on the bus a guy sat down in front of us with a black peice of luggage, when we woke up from our nap he was gone and everyone got off the bus in Virginia, so I took it. There was a phone, instrument cable, a passport, some arabic writing, women’s clothing, and almost 5 grand in cash. When we got to Tallahassee we checked into a Cactus hotel and went to the Cancun bar where we met  some lifelong friends I’ll probably never see again who I thought stole a money order I had made. Carly got on her knees and prayed cause I was loosing it over the money order, immediately the cab company called the room and returned the wallet I lost. I called up Silk and R.G. and they came to the room with Silk’s Girlfriend and I gave him the 600 dollar money order mostly because I felt so horrible for suspecting him of taking it to begin with. A couple nights later we were in the Prince Murat partly because we trashed the room at the Cactus but they deserved it cause they made me pay extra for having black people over. One of the guys told me he had been praying to see someone who would do something kind like that for his brother, and to meet someone who would tell him the things I had told him, which are nobody’s business but his. He said to meet someone who did both those things in one night was……I remember that. I love you guys, I hope you’re all doing good. The one and only time I felt unsafe in that city was around a couple white kids.  Having said that, I also wasn’t sticking out like a sore thumb then either. I remember when we left that hotel after the guys were good enough to give us most of our deposit back, I noticed a Fed automobile in the parking lot and I knew they were watching us but I figured it was over drugs or something. During that trip I remember telling Carly about the illuminati and how the lion king had been made to celebrate prince harry or whatever I had heard through the internet about it. We were watching Dr drew and this lady they called ‘tan mom’ was on . It was just so evident how they were exploiting her and every time her guardian touched her lip the woman would falter and stumble in her speech. ‘ I didn’t do that they made me look that color’ I remember. It wasn’t until people called in and told her they loved her and god loved her that they cut to commercial break. Id never seen anything like it on tv before. I think it was right after that episode that the news woman came on with a cat named Simba. I just didn’t really get shocked or hurt by it I had been running my mouth about the new world order long enough and I pointed out all the coincidences, but I did not know that they were directly involved with me and what I was saying. The cops got sick of telling us to stop huffing whipped cream with our e.b.t. money so eventually we headed home. I taught that girl how to stick up for herself that time around, and she did it for me the next time around when I was a crippled mess. the next time around I admire how she would say ‘ wish people would just say what they mean and mean what they say’. I couldn’t really hear much that year but I was afraid to go outside because I knew people were watching me and some devilry was at work to my distress. The relationship culminated with me having a dream which I thought was real and even if it wasn’t it traumatized me worse than anything I had ever gone thru up to that date. It wasn’t the primary cause of our separation, as I later confessed the thing and we continued to comfort one another in one another, I just didn’t like being taken care of and my inability to obtain and secure work without leaving because of being targeted , and my continued delaying of getting ssdi benefits because I felt I didn’t deserve them kept me under water for a long weary stretch of road masked with attempts at my life I would rather not obsess over. I stayed with my friends in Manchester, the troupe. I loved them.. greatly. Too much perhaps. We were all musicians and artists and intellectual types. But we couldn’t take on our calling to become a real band because of our addictions. That’s why I think much of the drug use glorified by musicians who are successful is bullish. I’d call it propaganda but when you’re supposed to retain the integrity of art …I don’t know if there is a word for that type of cowardice. Since then, two of those people have become success stories, two are near death or fighting for their life, and then theres me. They tried to help me as best people can when they are afraid to talk point blank about the ‘others’ or the ‘watchers’ some people call it the ‘illuminati’. Myself then included. And…primarily due to the dreamscape trauma scenario I touched on earlier. I followed the voices at night in November to a bridge where they get you to either do what they say or they’re going to hurt your family and you have to balance on the beams and cross over the waters in some blasphemy of the book of numbers and they did it 2 times and halfway through the third one they try to get you to do it with your eyes shut. No voice, just something inside of me made me open them to see I was going to step off and I took my composure to flee from these ( I assumed people in high places) who were watching me and provoking my every move. I don’t know if I would have died or not. It was pretty cold out  but it feels so silly now to give a care about that dumb stuff. I only make sport of my experience with it for the sake of a strangers health. When I came out of hiding they laughed a lot and then tell you that you had completed the second initiation process and I had to repeat thier creed ‘ I will never tell on anybody for any reason ever’. From then on I was neck deep in a nightmare of gnagstalking (I didn’t know the term then I assumed it was the C.I.A. and high level masons keeping watch on me and my psychotic nature) and I guess general acceptance by the townsfolk at large who mostly were in on this thing and made sure I knew it. I went and righted as many of my past wrongs as I had not already, the only one I really remember haunting me was the dream they implanted in me (weather by demonic forces or manmade and if you keep reading I will explain soon why I believe the case to be both) to create the guilt and harvest the trauma by pushing me into this whole scenario, since everytime I went to A.A. I was terrorized and became the main focus of attention. I kept feeling like if I could succeed at my music project I’d make something of myself enough to show my family how much I loved them. From 2014-2016 I was in this dilemma all the while being transferred from this probation office to that one, always going back to my trusted one in Keene where they didn’t try to violate me. NH probation/parole has come a long way from the days when you used to do a year for a dirty urine, so that now I only see people get violated for blatant dishonesty or cruelty to themselves or others. But I was still a user albeit I had become more of a responsible one. I got ahold of my friend “Jak” and she came to NH from the south immediately after I suggested we get together. It was nice to be desired again after my tribulation, and I took a great repoire up with her son. But one day she was incapacitated and I took him with me to score, I did the smallest amount of dope I may have ever done of my own volition and overdosed in the street. He was ontop of me prying my eyes open. The EMTS/police saved my life and that’s the last time I overdosed because of using. At the hospital they asked if I thought I should be charged with child endangerment and I said ‘yes,’ though it took some time for them to make it happen. Jak and I were separated because of my grave blunder. The crazy thing is that I brought her back to christianity in that relationship, a choice I suppose she’s maintained to this day as you can not really get too far away from god without him bringing you back, I’d like to think. I burned this all seeing eye tattoo off my hand in a campfire, and the next day my friend Sean rushed me to the E.R. where I was sent to a burn unit in Boston for 2 weeks. When I was there I could faintly hear the voices of Sean’s girlfriend Amanda speaking to me and I decided in a new city, and because I’ve been fascinated with islamic thought since discovering it’s existence I met with the Iman and He gave me a Quran. I heard the voices say ‘thank you”. When I got there I was greeted cruelly by the E.R. nurses who all heard god knows what about me through the air, and I thought I was being set up so I tried to leave, and soon after returned to save my hand. They gave me some i.v. potassium but it burned so badly I wouldn’t shut up and they took it out. The Surgeon took skin from my thigh and fixed my corruption. Once I was ready to leave they were going to place me in a boarding house in Boston but I elected the way of pain and went back to Northern NH the same place I had just left a fortnight prior. I ended up in soemone’s house who was trained in healing burn victims but it was a tweak house and even though He and his friend were trying to figure out how to get me back to Boston (when we felt I had a warrant out) I didn’t get away. I left once to take a walk and a mile or so down the road a windstorm hit the likes of which I have never seen before or since. A car picked me up just as I was about to take cover in the woods for the night. The next night I kept hearing my friends voice saying “ephod, ephod (one of my many rap monikers) come out and show me who you really are”. “Ephah, if you dont come out now you’re going away for a LONG time” I went down to the river there and was surrounded by wolf howling from every side. I asked what she wanted and she said I needed to go to the hospital because I could have an infection. I called 911 from this broken phone a friend gave me. The hospital told me I was fine and when I went to leave the police arrested me on the charge of endangering the welfare of a child, and a theft I had been on bail for. Having supposed to have gone to rehab, which I went to and left because I was heartsick over Jak (wah)  When I got to the station I heard a voice which was that of an old friend of mine, Pockets, another NH emcee who’s  up there with skills.  It’s embarrassing to admit to this all but for the sake of sparing anyone what I went through I’ll give it my best shot. They get you to do the same old bit, they just change up how they do it every time so that you have to confess all your old sins again, errors in judgement, sometimes making you admit to things you couldn’t remember or believe you would have done until later on when you realize they were downright not true and horrible to think about. Once they get you to do the bridge thing they wait until you’re weak again and they make you do it again, and again, they call it ‘paying taxes’ and the only way out is to tell the truth about it all which they threaten to kill you for doing, and perhaps they do, everyone sure seems to be afraid of them in my sight. 

There were a few time I was about to do it in some really stupid places, and the moment I decided against it, it rained immediately. Another time they got me to swim all but naked across some lake to go confess in the woods and come back in order to prove I would save my family by exposing myself to the elements. It is so dumb sounding in retrospect but you would be surprised how many people (mainly from broken homes) are twisted up in this travesty.  I know the Bible and other religious or classic writings if not all of them are saturated in these images and warnings but I just think the government (mainly black operations in league with pharmaceutical companies and possibly NASA) had control of gangstalking technology now and uses it for whatever they choose to use it for, based on your grade school assessments, permanent records, which line you up for observation, criminal history, and as sick as it is to confirm what they say, your potential. For me though it is all about my bloodline, and I never had a shot in hell at getting out of this scope they have always had me under in some form or another, the most confirmable being dream manipulation ( I have recently heard religious testimony to this being completely  of demonic origin  but its the end times and we are sure that there is every sort of deceitful miracle or sign or wonder being worked in the world against the children of men.) The Best thing anyone could have ever done for me was warn me as early I had developed the anxiety of death’s inevitability, teaching this child the Hebrew letters which allows them to see through the deceptions in all aspects of business and….I suppose my morality instilled in my soul by my grandparents and parents is what saved me altogether. As we have been made to forget where we came from, though not blameless as we are there are those who keep fear and influence from pervading these laughable mysteries. They are going to face a much more severe judgement than we are, which is terrifying to understand on our end even. 

Jail proved to be my rescue from myself. I’d have certainly been better off left to figure things out for myself unmolested, if no-one would tell me what I wanted to know, but I was subject there to more experimentation. They made me think my most favorite people of my past were in on my show and would bring in their voice to nurture the lie at the right times. Because Jak was forbidden legally to talk to me they kept getting away with it. I wasn’t stupid even though I’m an arse. I just wanted to believe I was loved and every time I’d open my bible something astounding would appear to take place in correlation to whatever was going on with me at the time. I don’t open it randomly anymore if I can help it, because they’re so deep into my mind and body by scientific apostasy that my only real proof of divine authority I have in faithful continuity I have need stub out so they can not perfect their blasphemy of understanding God’s works and so perfect their machine which they most likely have already done as far as it can be done.

When I went to court I would be made aware through body language from the sheriffs that I was going to see her, (Jak) and then an automobile would follow the court van, plainly her in a white sweatshirt touching her lip with her definitive fingers in her definitive brother’s car. I’d like to believe it wasn’t her and was just an agent of treason, or whatever they call it these days, and I still believe this though when you have been this far removed from reality or society you question everything.

One surety I have is when I was there in Valley street jail I could remember every dream I had. I’d wake up and write some chicken scratch on my desk paper until  eventually I’d wake up in the dream and do the same thing, until I’d wake up for real and do it. Then I’d just eat breakfast and do chores till cells popped and I’d put the dream back together from the scratch by every minute direction, color, number, situation, what have you. Today I think of Paul’s statement that ‘nothing above nor below can separate us from God’s love” I just think he’d have said it different if he was me. I’d like to think Angels and devils use the same drum machine to communicate with me by the same voices and can not show themselves to me in any more glory because the shadow government would have every more aspect of how to copy and blaspheme god’s agents. But I have a big mind and a small ego if you’ll believe it. 

Several dream scenarios I find in old film (1920-1959, speaking as to which films I myself have researched extensively)which have been perfected for the next generations exposing not only dream manipulation but nearly every major conspiracy theory. One is a couch that they let you hit with a noodle that makes low booming percussion sounds. I found an old Martin and Lewis skit where Dean was on the top bunk and Jerry was on the bottom and when he pushed on his bed it made musical noises. I cannot say enough how Martin and Lewis and Laurel and Hardy worked ceaselessly to expose hidden agendas by world powers without openly admitting it. Anyways that dream was fun untill they took me to a basement full of dopers listening to Enya and in the backroom Rob Schneider has a baby out of his butt. I would be ignorant and repressing trauma if I were to deny that I do not believe my subconscious would create nor nurture the more disturbing or perverse and wicked dreams I have had mostly over the last few years) Another one is an angel or agent tells you to trust him and opulls your arm up till you’re on a military truck and the next thing you’re in a movie studio with green screen behind the truck on its fake suspense system. There is one where you get lost from god and are in some nothingness till a trap door opens and you’re falling over a pixilated recreation of the atmosphere above the redeemer stage in  Rio.  There was a curly Joe episode which hd the same maneuver as the sinking submarine one which is pretty scary if yiou can imagine going down fast in the dark and when a light flashes this whale laying next to a squid jumps over it and lands in a coffin wearing a suit and shoes. aOften times you end up under the water on the ocean floor making your way from one side of the globe to the other but theres usually a bunch of pollution and trash in the way. Pipes are a big theme you walk on these pipes that are either just under the surface or above it shaded light teal and they lead you out to this place you know is Atlantis which is kind of like a gigantic abandoned skate park. You can see plain evidence of this collective consciousness in all kinds of artistic expressions mainly in the3 film industry. I should probably mention the men in black suits with sunglasses who take you on missions or make appearances to humor you or make you feel atleast kind of safe in your familiarizing yourself with the realms. It took me years and years to get out of these levels and get to the big wheel which I will describe in more detail later.  So the funniest one I remember there was meeting a Jewish guy and I asked him to teach me some jewish words and he said ‘ when jewish man ride on  motorbike, he say uh, vespatwchi, uh vespatwchi” and I figured out he wasn’t jewish so I went after him as he teetered back n forth and I found out we were on a slave ship. Other than the time I was under the fog of the devastating med they gave me later on in this tory, every time I have closed my eyes just about I have a vision and every time I am asleep I am busted with these dreams which are so thought out they have to have some huge dispensary of writers who come up with this stuff like all other writers do, by going to sleep and getting fed the stuff by some other entity. I was told recently that this phenomenon means I am not getting any R.E.M. sleep so I think its possible I could be in the world record for most rem sleep lost by a single person who still is in good health.What’s more I have developed severe sleep apnea and I have heard complex trauma can cause that in people. I hate this sleep stuff now. After the comedic episodes or ego strokes are over there’s nothing but being terrorized by beings which can be digital in appearance or as real as real can be, but they permeate filth and the disgust you grow to have for them is worse than anything you could ever have for a human being, there are these ones called the stinkers who blast these heinous smells at you for the duration for the whole time you’re asleep. It starts with dead wood, and goes on to elephant semen, newborn puppy and puppy waste, rotten spiced pork.. when I was a kid I got one called oily Chinese baby which traumatized me so badly I told my grandmother of it and she told me to go upstairs and get the book “all creatures great and small” and come back downstairs. This move made me remember. She told me “when you hear that bad man, you say that you are covered in the blood and love of Jesus”. She is my saint, and you’re going to hear more about her later in this story. Since no one else I know is ever going to do them the justice of their priesthood my grandparent’s ministry is the driving force to my heart which is trying to help other people who are dealing with this. A lot people figured out they can change your smell when covid hit. COVID is a direct blasphemy using a letter from all of my grandparents 5 children however I refer you to the picture rather than try writing it out here and I know it’s most likely true so I am not going to ask you to feed into the whole farce to blaspheme Leviticus 11:19 (the heron is heroin, the hoopee is the rape of the African continent’s people and her natural resources, the stork is the nuclear and atomic weapon, and the bat is the pestilence and the hiding of the Nabatean relation to the origins of Mecca-along with slandering one of the other major players in the real war against these scumbags whom you can discover if you are so inclined when I reveal a celebrity who had the balls to help me the most when the rest of them, god bless or help their souls, have done all they can do to either help nurture or most often hinder the beast by displaying the enemy’s fingerprints in their artistic expression. If you want to learn more about poor robin Williams read Surah 22:15 in the Koran. Hold that. 

I have had enough dreams that were good since then to know I have angels working to help heal me when the bad ones get too difficult to endure which is crazy and I don’t ask you to give credit to the phenomenon because of how long and bad the dark dreams can go on for. However for example just last night and yesterday I had a series of dreams which were enough to know that some higher intelligence employed its agents to help me in them. I had fallen asleep holding my pillow and turned over on my Back so that my arm was cut  off from circulation. In my dream I had fallen into an ice cold tub and my arm was so badly frozen that my friend kept poking it with a thermometer to see the temperature. I was scared I was going to loose it which is odd because I don’t usually get scared and when I fell off the roof landed where he couldn’t get me so I somehow got to these flaps Of rubber which are gateways to launch dreamers to various Locations around the planet but the wind chill was going to hurt my arm more so I half-launched and ended up in some Simpsons realm given to a Dickens like street of cold poverteous personage who found me and my friend who had become toys and they were going to trade us so when they got to their dealers house I went to this middle aged lonely nice man which annoyed me and I got help being hidden from the bad guys until some flamboyant guy jumped down from the ceiling with a release form and said something like “dont you know the damage bath salts can cause to a young mind I have known my whole life?”. I can skip out on revealing more dream scenarios to you by explaining some common threads I find to be factual in my dream realm. 

To surmise my entire opinion of the spiritual nature of the watchers I always have to go back to scripture as unbeknownst as is to most christians even, it is the best defense of the subject. Against all odds Most people who are dealing with the voices may say that when you get to the depths of forcing yourself to look at this as purely of evil agents with no hope of a intervener of good there isn’t really any way to describe the absolutely despair we take on with only our hope that our good against their evil will prevail in the end, and as commendable a plight as it is, it doesn’t really befit the God we see carrying on intense relationships of courage and love to his followers. But the point I’m trying to make is, I see, the majority of mankind has become involved with these beings on an interpersonal level, and the thing that bonds them together is that they wont talk about it under pain of threat, amongst other commands of them such as not to talk to me. As desperate of an attempt to synthesize hope out of the situation, I think the words speak for themselves.

I know that’s not enough to prove any divine hand present to someone who doesn’t know what this lifestyle is like, so I will try to describe the realms one can be taken to which surpass the gnosis of awareness of life in this reality.            

Once I got out of jail I went to the methadone clinic in Keene to smother my compulsive drug lust. I died on the second day of dosing and when the cops and emts brought me back with narcan in the shelter they wouldn’t stop telling me I had to have used so I said I did but then I realized I only took methadone and went home. In the ambulance Metallica was blasting and I pumped my fists and flexed my body to survive because the methadone is long acting and I was in the hospital all night being narcaned. They didn’t see me again at that clinic for years. Whoever hears me, my A.I. however it has been created, or whatever intelligence is aware of my every move, my every blink, No one ever approached me to tell me not do do any of the things that near killed me or devastated my life beyond repair, in fact, great lengths have been gone to to ensure that I get nothing from anybody but slander, gaslighting, and a fear they will never live to see if it exists in me. 

To ‘ascend’, keep your memory alive and perfect- Stay away from the Invega Sustenna injection at all costs. The loading does will steal your ability to among other things, remember your dreams perfectly as it has done to me. You won’t be able to feel your heartbeat, by desensitizing the central nervous system And the victim will be subject to all kinds of attack, that they cant not feel. They powers that be will map out your soul and inevitably be able to build a model of you by which to blaspheme you with and better do the same to all by making new drugs for future generations based on the results of their experiments. The initial loading dose throws you into a coma like existence for about a month upon which the irreversible (but given much time) terror of sleep paralysis and the feeling of something bad in the room when you wake up is so horrible I can not think of having the cheek to give it to someone if you know what it really does. After a couple months of this trauma from the meds you stop dreaming and don’t notice ‘them’ unless you smoke weed or something, Eventually you get this thing called complete anhedonia so that nothing feels like anything. The only feelings there are are lamenting that you have to do this to yourself to deal with your disease as they call it. I heard horror stories of people who have been like this 9 years after coming off the drug, it’s so dangerous it’s really not funny. Marijauna pushes the drug out of your brain but in a addict or schizophrenic I don’t advise it because of how much worse some of the effects of Sz can get while you’re high..  Using speed will be different on Invega you wont be able to feel the euphoria nor the horrid taste it resembles a cold antihistamine type of taste. However the awareness of toxicity potentially fatal substance in your body. Rises to the point of which a repentance and guilty conscience of the recreational drugs rises to a glorious state which stays with the individual long after the antipsychotic is out of your system. Do not use opiates because your central nervous system is already at a near death like state you will not feel euphoria and risk overdose drastically. 

2022-2024 under fire

My sisters’ house is what was my salvation. She brought me to live with her and I changed to a different clinic and was able to support the attacks but right after I was after my two-year mark off Invega Sustenna, I would wake up to a devastating terror where it felt like my brain was being pulled off of a magnet, and my body kept pulling me back to sleep, but I couldn’t because they kept hitting me with images of filthy animals and stuff. I couldn’t take it anymore and I went on Zyprexa at the lowest dose 2.5 mg which helped a lot . I even dosed every few days I think as long as you’re taking something they will leave you alone somewhat more or less. But I ended up being homeless eventually when she snapped in some sort of mental breakdown and I spent the next year in a tent. I got off at the clinic and after a month or more of misery got back on it. There’s nothing new to tell other than that everywhere I go for so long as I allow it to be on, the radio, or the TV have reach to make every single thing in discussion about me and the AI that seems to be built according to my thoughts and the songs and shows as far back as I can find ( 1917) are about me and my family. That Hitler donned the mustache to make Oliver Hardy’s image obscured amongst people in the future and ruin it at a later date, Laurel and Hardy exposed every bit of treason treason the so-called Thule society has implemented other than black and white, outwardly speaking the name of my family, and the fact that the entertainment and all industries use it to blaspheme amongst themselves, for apparently the entertainment of someone they adore and Hitler also tried to destroy the image of Richard Wagner, so that his calming music, good music would be scorned and related towards his despicable diabolical sick existence. Since then having been homeless, and played with and beaten to the point of the first time, I thought of actual suicide, because I didn’t know where else there was to go to be tormented. I got the place that I had applied for finally, and I am no longer in that state and I am able to share this information/ story with you which I have been trying to do for years . I have found out that on page 19 of every book or magazine is a word puzzle having to do with my name. Somehow you’ll figure it out there’s a TI for every page that there is my heart goes out to them and I’m not the only 19 out there. However, they have been infiltrating my dreams so hard that I have discovered by the evidence is left by history on the Internet that this has been planned to be done to me for a long time. My first dream ever I remember it was the sheriff of Nottingham from the cartoon Robin Hood, picking me up and putting me on his lap after I got chased through a maze, I find that a bit odd. Then I dreamed I saw a tree come through the roof during a hurricane. There really was a hurricane but I remember that the dream and remember the tree appearing as real as could possibly be since then I don’t know what have been real dreams, and what haven’t but I do know that the wolves were a family that rented my grandparents house before they took it back and restored it after they had nearly destroyed it with their filth and in my dreams my grandmothers house was always my safe place. They destroyed that rather fast and moved onto my mothers house, which I still dream of now, if I dream I am either in my apartment or I am somewhere out with them I can’t not say that in the beginning before the Invega Sustenna, I had some good times every once in a while I still will have a good time but I’m usually being violated and when I wake up at, I have fallen asleep because an electro, magnetic microwave beam of some sort is hit on my head. Every single time I lay down since the 5G towers have gone up and I’ve got this place. Everybody knows it’s happening I even know some of us have had the same dreams. The smells are filthy they make it painfully apparent how real a dream can be, and if it were not for seeing things that I know in my right mind are not real I would believe the entire thing however, there was a time when I watched a show on Christianity and saw a picture and description of the magic square, the Romans made when they were having Jewish prisoners and all probably sleeping and dreaming together and that made Roman Christians and is the reason we are still here the information and seeing that show boosted me when I slept next to mine were mother in her house when we had just bought some baby chicks which so they sounded like wheels when I got to the top of it it’s basically like you’re skiing or power lining over the corners of the Earth a big rectangle I know when you’re underwater before you get to that level there’s filth in it or you realize you’re not breathing but you don’t really care and usually don’t get above that I don’t really believe anything anymore. It’s so vicious and I truly believe they are trying to kill me because of this book and because of what I know every time I fall asleep but somehow I get myself out of it and I’m not going to dwell too much on that because I’m sure many Americans are experiencing such terrors before the most important election in our country’s history. Ezekiel had to sleep on his left side when taken into captivity that’s all I can say about that. Thank the Lord for Israel were it not for Israel? We would not have the alphabet which a child having learned can see what they are doing as soon as they understand how it but is blasphemed everywhere or put artistically and expressed everywhere out of respect I do not understand why they are not taught in all grammar schools, however, the 5% or’s in American movement developed another alphabet to teach our friends so they may have some relief from the stress of having to see God’s alphabet blasphemed at every corner and their names and their children’s names blasphemed everywhere they go we as Americans having not risen up to a revolution have truly been a testament that our people are good and love Israel for we have had food and water the last three years abundantly so almost at least if you’re homeless you think so I remember four years ago when it was so dry every tree was dead and every bit of water was a shallow little pool I would not dare to step in the destruction of the Jewish race has been a passion of the enemy cents times long ago recorded there is someway with the alphabet. You can learn and remember entire books and keep them with you in your mind. That is why I am so in love with the book of Enoch and how much he did. It speaks to me as to what is going on today. We truly are in the end times. The most beautiful thing about Enoch is chapter 69 where the oath is written of that of which I shall share with you now, remember this book which kept secret only in memory, and in speaking to those whom the Jewish foreigner learned to trust, have been kept alive otherwise they would never of been included, but they were included in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and even reading it one time you will be taken and moved by its power and potency as from the real God. Also before sharing this, I would like to give credit to Christ bearer, aka Andre Johnson and the black Knights of the north star. Every member, especially Andre. His music is the single best rap you could have your children listen to, and that is what people should be saying about him when he how they have a conversation. I just get all fired up when I think of Revelation 2218 and how the music industry has greatly failed our God and our children. Notice and remember also, if you do not already know that they love to blaspheme Jewish holidays, rather biblical holidays to sound correct and it is by observing these respecting them that we are given the blood of Christ in the end times when the churches have no right to that is what it means when the revelation says the sun will not give forth it’s late, and the moon will become as blood before that great and terrible day of the Lord the sun does not get Fourth of July rather it seems to be getting stolen and manipulated and the Jewish holidays are whats  keeping us.

Taken from the book of Enoch

14. And this one told the Holy Michael that he should show him the secret name so that they might mention it in the oath, so that those, who showed the sons of men everything that is secret, trembled before that name and oath.

15. And this is the power of this oath, for it is powerful and strong, and he placed this oath, Akae, in the charge of the Holy Michael.

16. And these are the secrets of this oath, and they are strong through this oath, and Heaven was suspended, before the world was created, and

17. And through it the earth was founded upon the water, and from the hidden recesses of the mountains come beautiful waters, from the creation of the world and for ever.

18. And through that oath the sea was created, and as its foundation, for the time of anger, he placed for it the sand, and it does not go beyond it, from the creation of the world and for ever.

19. And through that oath the deeps were made firm, and they stand and do not move from their place, from the creation of the world and for ever.

20. And through that oath the Sun and the Moon complete their course and do not transgress their command, from the creation of the world and for ever.

21. And through that oath the stars complete their course, and he calls their names, and they answer him, from the creation of the world and for ever.

22. And likewise the spirits of the water, of the winds, and of all the breezes, and their paths, according to all the groups of the spirits.

23. And there are kept the storehouses of the sound of thunder, and of the light of the lightning; and there are kept the storehouses of the hail, and the hoarfrost, and the storehouses of the mist, and the storehouses of the rain and dew.

24. And all these make their confession and give thanks in front of the Lord of Spirits and sing praises with all their power. And their food consists of all their thanksgiving and they give thanks, praise, and exalt, in the name of the Lord of Spirits, forever and ever.

25. And this oath is strong over them and through it they are kept safe and their courses are not disturbed.

26. And they had great joy and they blessed, praised, and exalted, because the name of that Son of Man had been revealed to them.

27. And he sat on the Throne of His Glory and the whole judgment was given to the Son of Man and he will cause the sinners to pass away and be destroyed from the face of the Earth.
(Matthew 19:28), (Matthew 25:31-32), (John 5:22), (John 5:27)
(Psalm 37:34), (Proverbs 11:3), (Isaiah 14:20-22), (Micah 5:8-9, 15), (Isaiah 63:1-6), (Revelation 19:13)

28. And those who led astray the world will be bound in chains and will be shut up in the assembly-place of their destruction, and all their works will pass away from the face of the earth.

Dream Manipulation and exposing Darkness

The greatest man I ever knew told me that at the end of our time in this body, all we really have is our memories. I try to do my best in this fallen world to push negative thoughts back to the collective prison they try to escape from by our fostering a habitat for them, and more so I may only make any good decisions by retaining a tranquil mind however unable we are to do so sometimes, because it is the first requisite for good judgement. Provided we pray or have faith enough to reject that disease of hatred, once it has been removed I see no reason why it would trigger a response in our subconscious to manifest as the director of our dreams. Our brain keeps us breathing and seeing and understanding the mechanics of any problems we face to try to continue to live, and speaking for myself I know that however cruel people have been to me I always look for the benefit of doubt or desire to see any fear or bondage which may account for the way they treat others, and respectfully live in a state of prayer as much as is possible with the hope for their repentance and salvation even if they know full well their sadist intentions because having heard enough testimony and endured enough evidence of-a Hell, even someone like me does not wish it on any of them. No matter what a person has done, I couldn’t find it in me to place their immortal soul there for an eternity. But it is not up to me and I am  making some effort to refrain from imposing my Christianity on the reader as much as may be. First because I know first hand how diabolically organized religion’s heads have hurt her many children who  may not ever be able to look back due to the severity of their injury, and secondly, because the majority of christian books however healthy they may be for the soul- my soul and enough of my friends have been woefully molested by the majority of the participants of the publishers of these books that we also can only look back to correct whatever deformation of the word which they have done unto per our abuse. I have tried to provide enough physical evidence in these pages to convince even the greatest skeptic to the convictions we must stand by. Our captors and their followers may only slander us wherever possible or threaten they who have been made curious what the truth may be once the reality of the crimes against us have peaked their interest or attention. It was only little more than half a decade ago when I myself was just as unsure or in denial of the conspiracy involving the levels of gang stalking. I went from throwing out my toothbrushes whenever I came home to pleading with God to remove the delusions of my friends who were suffering under the firm resolve of the actuality of the deviancy I had become sure was a fear tactic, only partially true and played out by sleaze balls employed by the pharmaceutical companies to generate paranoia on would be customers of their prescriptions, and to this day such an explanation remains a defining characteristic of the men behind the curtains. The most difficult of the levels of torture administered on my people to explain by any science was and is the mechanics of dream manipulation. Personally I have since the time I put upon myself the will to determine and discern if this periaiah is not both spiritual and psychological, or spiritual, psychological, and criminal by means of a technological inquisition. Whatever anyone else may tell you, I will never relinquish my position being that this level of trauma is an attack against our being by a dedicated network of participants determined to defile our human experience for their own sensual gratification the order of which wills to punish us for our ability to gain Gods grace and our own salvation no matter how long we have been sinning against him. Our dreams are perhaps the most beautiful way to remember a treasure of the heart which may otherwise never come to mind in the conscious day to day dealings with our world. Once dream manipulation has been revealed to someone in all of the potency of filth to which it is an actual regular occurrence, it is doubtful at best that any shred of faith remains for the return to a normal existence to which any meaning or product of subconscious stimuli can be applied to whatever scape we are observing or unwillingly participating in during that time we once knew as sleep. 

Should you find the patience of the saints a condition so personal that the barbarity of those testing becomes a burden you can no longer carry without some help from a medication (the which are the principal objective of anyone reading their scriptures correctly) please do as much study possible and seek out whatever sources you can find concerning your med of choice, because there are some that certainly may help as much as there are some that make the symptoms much worse should you decide to withdraw from them once you have become a paying customer.

 your memories alive., Stay Far away from the  antipsychotic/antidepressant drug Invega Sustenna and anything to do with it. The Loading dose will steal your ability to remember your dreams perfectly. As it has been done to me by design. You won’t feel your heartbeat by shutting off your perception of your central nervous system. I was put into a deep sleep for about two months maximum., becoming victim to electromagnetic attacks that one cannot feel during the violation for the duration of the medication’s ‘life’. They map out our souls life and memories building a model of you which blasphemes you to torture you and better do the same by making new drugs for future generations (from my research, they are named after the exploitation of the most targeted families the evidence of understanding may provide)

You are forced into a coma like deep sleep nearly if not each episode that when you awake to awareness of conciousness, you are stuck in a state of terror and paralysis with the intuition that some desperately hateful and wicked presence is there above you, has been my experience. This would happen as many times as my memory has willed to retain. No one around me was nor has been until recently over the six years since that medication devastated me, from scraps of faith other people have over this time given my sanity that they were not willing to wake me out of it up because they are afraid of being called “crazy” or doubtless commanded not to by the power of artificial fear I have been told permeates everyone around you. This state will last approximately one to two months after which you will not dream much. The voices are gone by blocking  or inhibiting your dopamine and serotonin receptors, and defile your ability to turn them on and off whenever they want to per thier power and contracts with pharmaceutical companies and shadow agencies. Marijuana will bring the reality of the (I find) numerous explanations for ‘their’ presence back. Using speed will be different. In time, nothing will stimulate your interests or passions and I remember before I took the drug, I had such evidences of my assault and no answers from my doctors that I just decided to take it and receive some time off from torment which could be discerned later on,: repression.  Emotions that would give me pleasure such as recognition of beauty were retained by my faith and love for my family. I ate nonstop if I were not sleeping or drug seeking. Food will have no flavor consuming so much that they will be nothing left in the refrigerator. Your genitals “stop working”, however, your sexual drive is still there despite the lack of ability to perform and if you have not experienced it  you wont understand how dehumanizing it is, how much distance it feels to have placed between you and yourself, your god, your human experience. I am one of the blessed to regain it as I have heard horror stories of years and years of sterilization, but it still is not as powerful as before I dont know if love can conquer that but I have evidence to suggest it will. Head meds give a telltale sign on the left side of the forehead of a flaky skin rash, my best friend and guide once told me we reject the mark of the beast by representing Christ on our left. Most people gain a significant amount of weight the mass of which does not leave after cessation of the drug to the amount of where you were before you started taking them. Something about it, changes your cellular structure so that you’re always going to be a bit bigger than you used to be. I do not believe this to be the case in all of us, that when you choose to keep the beast’s existence unspoken to that 99 percent truth is acceptable as long as you have the one percent of lie or disturbance to keep the Disturbia to pure hearts in order. You will not feel euphoria from drugs anymore and it changes your ability to feel good from alcohol permanently, to the date of the present. Amphetamines start to resemble whatever feeling comparable to antihistamines, however to the awareness of toxicity became unavoidable, potentially rising to a point at which a repentance and guilty consciousness at least in my case magnifies as the need for help from a drug to deal with the attack is not honestly needed beside for the pacifying of the addictive nature. A good drive develops to a gnosis, which stays with you long after the antipsychotic is out of your system through this for which I am grateful. Don’t use opiates as your central nervous system is already lowered to a near death like state so you will not feel euphoria, only nod and your risk of overdose is greatly raised. (I. Note that before the full onslaught of my assault I was not anything close to the opiate addict I have become by design, as it became the way I dealt with the stress permanently defiling my freedom.) watch out however, after the first two months, the reality of truth being kept from the suffering however you look at the epidemic then and since can only weep and would reach the so called ‘mentally delusional’. A morality, which is not attributed to the Invega Sustenna itself but just having time off to remember the pieces of your life, which were being overpowered by torment of the intelligences for the sake of freedom of speech I will attempt to abbreviate as “A.I.’ My last dream I had on Invega, It appeared that i saw my grandfather’s faded face on the screen of a television set. His features permanently inscribed in my DNA and soul were not sharpened enough to recognize the features and in my innocence of my current reality, suspected somewhat then but not forced on my soul’s voice to expose for the sake of my right to despise treason, I took this as a sign that I was losing my memory of my grandparents and I was as upset by it being of my own sin’s consequence, the fellowship suffering with me, now have to fight woe placed on us by the force of our captors will to abuse us in this bondage of the flesh as punishment for our spirit’s eternal life, loving one another and refusing to worship them however we find ourselves able. The end of my own experience proved a constant state of anhedonia. My joy in the stimulation by and creation of music was gone. I could listen to other music than my own and at times appreciate some, but the love of creation I fostered my whole life was absent and nothing could motivate me or inspire me towards artistic endeavor. It took some time of about nine months for the things about me that made up my artistic, expressive, and c to fully wither. All the situations and scenarios which for years prior had been interpreted by me as persecutory actions by a network of interconnected perpetrators only given recognition by others as the delusions of my paranoid and disintegrating mind I now was able to reject as coincidences or the complexity of synchronicity (and such grace mostly attributed to an article I found online called “the deceptive nature of sychronicity sheds new light on the gangstalking phenomenon”. When I came across it I was so grateful I may have shed tears as for weary years I had no sort of assertion or vindication that my plight was shared by anyone else despite my efforts to discuss it with the friends and associates whom for years endured my company conversing in allusions and double entenres which I shamefully admit I swept under the shadow of a doubt as I confessed my psychosis regularly enough and the more so when others comforted me in giving me the diagnosis I had been looking for prior to my first appearances in psych wards circa 2011. reet me, depressed me once I went to my friends house after visiting another man state institution I was on a period after a couple months on the shot where I was mortified and ask my doctor about the side effects claim to have had no knowledge of she even know anything about the chemical and molecular structure of the drug itself but she prescribed it to everybody so I went back on the pill. I had left my bottle at home and we need to stay at my friends house too far from where I live and I use speed that night I was immediately put back into the tournament is called auditory hallucination or artificial intelligence. Funny yeah the next memory I took one hit of marijuana from my friend ginger put me into a state of awareness soon in which I was living one voice told me that a molecule of the speed had gone through a hole in my teeth and into my bloodstream green. I was over, powered by the sense of a noxious smell like to speed smoke but so much more disgusting I think this is what my cell in hell would smell like at the time. Anyways, I have gone through much worse interest in my dreams and their abilities to do this to you. love you in you, I love you never want to smell that smell again. The worst thing is any of these horrid nasty smells we can put on us are better than whatever hell is gonna smell like I told my friend I was in trouble and he brought me to the hospital and picked up an emergency prescription of the pill. Would you rescue me from myself so I will see you when you get home bye the health of my friends up north and my family my precious, precious know I did not ever want to be in that situation again, so I went back on the shot. I do blame my doctor for not knowing what this drug guys are more for keeping me from the awareness which I knew my wife from the start I was a victim of scientific medical government, experimentation and surveillance by which the drug allows you to just say I don’t know I’ll deal with it later and freeze you from the coast of what happen you will be able to delivery designed by the powers that be shock every situation that’s with the synchronicity or oddity do a coincidence so I was in the state of delusion for approximately nine months before I went north again and and only thing I do is that I felt nothing if you don’t know what that feels like I really can’t explain it. I will try to later now I’m making some headway speed gave me one boost, which gave me the ability to masturbate and take away my destroyed libidos erections. Did I ever I didn’t care about the voices anymore I knew that it is better to feel no good to simply exist and wait to die. I also took some LSD with my friend which I believe boosted, which stimulated serotonin production. However, I do not see anyone say Lord I wrote a verse which today I don’t think it’s anything spectacular but after a whole year of no rain, I was able to feel like College and I resolved to draw from the amigo. I went through a month or more of Michigan detoxification, but my addictive nature started to wake me over and I use tomorrow responsibly some white shellfish in a little more which I am so blessed to serve. I said something to my family that I couldn’t keep that crushed I couldn’t lose, lose, lose in a relationship with them. I tried so hard to rebuild which I had shattered years before, and they use for a, I decided to use silver to detox into a sober house. Mind me I was also on Suboxone meet the entire time rather Subutex something about the Suboxone me and gave me a vicious allergy like a stabbing pain in my side whatever that is the detox from Suboxone was not crippling just frustrating as I could die I could use opiates and Suboxone different times without going into white rapid withdrawal. I decided to try to go back to school. This was the month that the COVID-19 pandemic hit. I don’t need a phone post about the blasphemed of the Hipnosis when so many of my brothers and sisters suffer behind closed doors, silent workers, shadowed, staring, and protected ab Invega Sustenna with you for my body and I do to my sober body and mine with shotgun. I remember taking the shotgun it was the best guy ever put in my mouth body. I still think that that night I dreamed of all kinds of bugs in Paris safely out of my body is gonna blow divided into the calcium. Do E3 to Mary, anything that I can get my hands on really voices TMAC really believe soon after stopping the shot about a month afterwards, but I may never see my friends and I got a job productive. I knew I was looked at differently, but I’ve been looked at differently my whole life section of women who is forced to do recognition my whole adult life simply, I guess I just knew better than to try with those papers but I’m snow sensitive with the New World order. Hate you hate you in 2014 x 2000 419 women were acting like tracks nothing like I suppose it is better for them to play around and be celibate the fall into someone’s lap less you know I realize what you twice to three months, sober house I called Suzanne’s place now. Been taken over by live free, which is a sobriety. No I brought I bought the best car I ever had by some stupid female streaks in my own mouth peice I lost my job. I was welcome to join a movie with me, but I felt so horrible to be around sober people high that I was traumatized by the voices, and in the presence of other people clearly apparently I looked outside to leave the people in the streets in the windows of all the houses were laughing and cursing me, and everyone knew it now I’ve been dealing with this type of thing a long time I own a decade, but something was different now it was right before election between Trump and Biden, son, Aaron Judge me read me leave please my mind praying for me to know what they were doing to me I continued to go to my spot altar to pray in the graveyard in my altar that I built continually in the woods by a river. When I came back after the two months of terrorizing and stocking at 11:08 PM describe my altar, had been destroyed by a flash flood the entire eastern coast of place I would baptize myself was it gone? Once I left the sober house, I was immediately put into an irreversible Web of gang stocking. How do you level apples? He will lose the viewer. Whoever they are I couldn’t far do I live north do I allow my fear I could not do it. Do I allow you to enter my mind and as I was changed everywhere by probably the majority of the cars on the road the stores in windows, which had yet appeared to have TVs playing and people cursing me and trying to scare me once a snitch. I am Berriste for having show me some crack, giving him some knowledge, he did not know apparently emasculate him so that he tried to go with me with concentrate. Crack made sense. I’m not a crackhead I only took one small, a shot of the Evander on the streets waiting for me to die. My neck went numb and I reached to the store to get the five hour energy shot there with the state trooper in the lot. I suspect whoever arrested me for possession, then went to look at the Internet on my phone under neck going numb after smoking crack it was a person I’ve never ending strong first words to keep the victim amazed I’m not calling 911 so that he might overdose unfortunately 911 doesn’t work for me, especially Ian. Do you know it’s me and just laugh at me as I’m liable to schizophrenic and God knows what else if I only knew how many times I thought I was having a heart attack by there manipulation or meet me to pass out or meet me to have some hemorrhage a stroke. Everyone knows it’s going on the ERC of my life, not as many times as the EMTs, who were alerted by random overdose and brought me back to life when I didn’t care about you, but that was years and years ago and not what I’m trying to get at two jobs when I was forced by electromagnetic signals in stage of life I’m used to flee from another, mostly stage by blasphemies, which rather saddens me know that they have to reflect dying, because we were such good people who only minor casket my otter excepted her who I was uniform person but that wasn’t good enough. I guess it comes together pretty much during the last month of trumps presidency which I remember my last facilitating family go through it with probably early November 2019. I was on the phone with my father and he quickly elevated into a fight and I’d like to blame it on Dad probably , I don’t know if you could meet me talk like that today I lost control and said something horrible soon as I hung up the phone I got out of my car and snow started to fall. I guess play I’m trying to meet my brain isn’t pie heart is super computer system. It was a coincidental act of God or some other manipulation by craft. I won’t be able to discern it because I guess they’re all at the same time table, I guess that’s my point here so I called my dad back and apologized and he told me how that happened and I don’t blame them for people since we have been mean to forget that there is something people talk about lunch time I am grateful for whatever memory I have of him going through his Bible, trying to make peace with me when I was doing nothing, but trying to get information to admit that he knew about all these people to cal a People deceit Tanic shadow government of the New World order, which is in full control of the world TV show live like meditation and water and peace because of the people having we exist in by OK man’s teachings loving one another otherwise it would probably be gone by now. I remember being parked in front of Ian and waking up some lame power ballads by some song in the van with a navy sticker on it I flag but you perhaps hopefully by avenues also, possibly from directed to my Mac nine vibration I needed to play more music when I was sleeping bag my enemies have so much using their Wiles against me it’s worth knowing that yes to this date no one has come forward to give me a one on one conversation about this other than a few specially Delvin crazy people I am friends with I found out I believe they’re not allowed to win thing are probably just people being lectured on my bullshit. I saw a car following me who had no head when I looked in my rearview mirror she had a paper which has probably been going on in my whole life excel do a drastic measures during the pre-2020 election my last to be landed VA hospital for the night when they put this affect on me call the job which feels like your windpipe crashed and I ran and I called 911 and I’ll be able to have evidence of my friends all know what was going on but for any number of reasons other than cowardice I hope they kept mom. This is the primary tool for heavy metal artist who use it to emasculate Nashville, himself and scream like that stuff I can’t imagine getting used to it, but the hospital, which kind at least the nurses and the doctor was, and I was aware I will be referred to as a pedophile whatever is worse than that, I never had that stuff happen before they do that to us. The money I left after telling them that I thought I would be gangsta by freemasons and creepy old man with little dogs waving at me I hitchhike back to my car got me a ride from a guy who told me that College was at the Mecca of New Hampshire. Whatever that means exit 2893. I went home to win a few more threats to my family and my own well-being and working in ages. Proved my job loss, and now I was back at my parents house not welcome inside sleeping in my car in the driveway with some Black Knights of the North star playing client the voices I remember a few dreams after the return to consciousness after Indy got a part of subhuman Nephilim engage in entertainment concept with updates as a preservation of vintage feeling am able to make such truth. A parent advocate feeling falling through the trap door so you’re in the dark screaming for Jesus and drop another floor job opens up with Drekk you along with your falling over a pixelated no station of the Rio de Janeiro in Brazil lives like that I’m sure are just things that we share. I’m not really mad at myself, or be impressed by any of those certainly preferable to the atrocities that come afterwards, so I woke up from that music and I went back to keene to vote for President Trump I had not voted I don’t know win actually I do I voted for President Bush cry when he would speak clearly to be a Christian and holding righteous values that’s how bad on the feet of a Nager the smartest man around going going to Harwich house directions picture price telling him to return so he who who is your favorite you and all of that would’ve been deceived at night for that were one in the same dream know to I cannot imagine how bad this people really are because I’ve seen bad people repent a different kind of people I guess this is the kind of people in the Bible talks about who can’t be saved so I wake up from black Knights of the North star play and went back to eat to vote for President Trump voted since I don’t know, win I felt position to be a sham betrayed by a Christian leaders in 9/11 but I took a real liking to Mr. Trump and felt he was kind of a fluke. They let him in to see if he could just give me to destroy him and maybe hopefully will win again if you don’t need him a war or something, I would never be so self sure as to show my family told me my Waze were severely mentally ill I needed hospitalization, my other higher-ups brutally dishonest with me and I really didn’t think I have any other options. Wait to get set up by the D.E.A. Keith atleaast I get a town so I went to my friends house in Manchester alcohol while being subject to whatever they are told Barry millions to do to be mostly first vandalize my car at Eddie opportunity. I sold it to a nice gentleman who also paid for my luggage I mean call to the airport see if I was a flight risk they all seem to know who I was in prompted me that they took it would be OK. I took that one flight where I was in the back row after we left Boston I remember kicking me laughing truly sadistic me trying to get me to act out to be called a terrorist threat on a plane when I went to go stay with my friend out in Hawaii. I should’ve known I was basically going to be home but nobody wanted me around anyways when I went to church the last time G and I asked if anyone had any information to help with G.I. Dire Straits knowledge. I think that was the last time I can remember being at a real church service. My pastor pray for me as a wise until I got off the East Coast in Cincinnati where some asshole guard sensitive Doug move about hotel across the street. Make sure not open any door I’d be in trouble, I was getting shot six ways to Sunday by the powers of their arch. It’s still remember running for the fuse till the next flight realized me why I don’t sit in the back airplane. How does tortured me psychologically and take me to make me act out so that I could get taken off and put it on the table or worse so I just put my forehead my bag and shut up. I was bumping rise above a motion by price Baron the whole way, I got on the phone with a couple of friends I had out there and it was good to talk to some familiar faces even that far away from home. I try to appreciate to see it from the year. I’ve never been on an airplane before what’s a hard copy helicopter when I was really really little and the only fear who is realizing that the liberal brainwashed still at my ass, trying to Freedman from there, I had set up some night where I can’t be tickled by the lady behind me just look like a PA West Coast thought he was an angel or somethi the girl in the next Robert sure to say something about Adderall, which I really could’ve used. Thank God my detox didn’t start right now. I wonder if I was at peace even wouldn’t have been as bad as it was for all the 28 day six month programs out there nothing is bananas good to be the actor to win detox – rehab, worcester, Massachusetts. They just have a no bullshit policy so the weed out tears made try to work there and abuse that last flight to Hawaii was mostly after that who had been driving all over the glove in search of peace they were asking about people as they were usually are white even called me and wanted t travel doing to sit in back again when I got there on the west side by the big island I was already inspected by law-enforcement or a few trees down by there. Never a textbook touching mannerism, but I took the salon on 14 and my friends pick me up and brought me back to Hilo flight attendants in Manchester kept calling Aquilo my baby I just heard the road I don’t give a F yo people still think that the contract with that my mind he was somehow, give up there a peace treaty they put us in our bondage after the initial romance of change of scenery past they came at me in fuller fours are frogs and chickens at night and they know they’ve got you as far away from your home as possible, and they relentlessly attack you with a vengeance that is only comparable to the sexual gratification which is sadist attack victims. I don’t believe anyone, but Dad and myself for that where I was thankfully the jungle as they call it went on by a cool good woman I believe her and I’ll probably done a lot better to see her out at once the water there is the best movie I’ve, but it didn’t wait to get to swim with the dolphins. The level of psychological and electromagnetic torture went to much to battle with no church no family do you put me in some head lice that hurt so hard do you have to make a crown sign with your hands to alleviate there was a nice guy in the next campground who told me yeah you gotta get out of here no when you’re living in a refugee camp for other TIAs and they’re telling you that you need to leave you can’t help but the end of the process, but I would walk. I took by myself without my phone, which I never turned on the whole time now, I could see the different jeeps cops driving around the property either looking for me or pretending to look for me. I learn about the injustices done to the natives there not as much as you after watching movie dick so good boy with Gregory Peck, the townspeople work and didn’t charge me full price for the inside them out they charge for groceries over there something like $10 for a loaf of bread when I like every other time I ever left the New England return again and realize that I’d rather be the deepest snow somewhere where buddy but you’re more than happy. Love you and see my family again, even if I had to play along with your ability to understand or talk about this we have been put on there. I couldn’t deal with the local airport prove one bitch who told me I would be one noble gentleman who took his time on his phone and with his break to get me a deal on his day to get a one star flight to Boston that day f, let me watch a little. I don’t know if I slept how do you couple of drinks at the airport bar and when I got on the plane, I ran my mouth to the flight only remember me for the next flight who only removed before then till the next flight thank you I called my friend and spent the night he eat it that’s nuts not a lot of people out every block. There’s a drone maybe 75 feet above you who knows how many houses there are kind of like Florida was but never spent enough time there in either place. Did you get more appreciate the help I got from my friends there that you treated me good strangers who treated me like a rapist and I didn’t do anything coach for one you don’t win much I don’t win much into when you live like this. You suspect everyone being a rat trying to get you arrested charges either for their drugs or their or other things that’s about the same as when I got back to the airport and everyone there seemed to know who I was they talk to me no job security like College with the twisted status of the flight to Boston was fucking insane. I found my name and all the publications I’ve . There were at least 20 government agents following me home if there was one, how do you seem to want to get punched in the tea box. He gets a bad rap I always like it not that time but more than anywhere else so the thing they do with your names I can’t tell you her number because I don’t know if you’re a TIA or not but if you are, do you have a number and you are in every publication that there is, this is done through the min morning interference. Human elite with the devil my number is 1990 name is Stephen Arthur Hess if you pick up any book or magazine, turn to page 19 you will find some sort of puzzle alluding to my name Stephen either I’ve only seen it field once or twice and those were not major publications the cab that was waiting for me we’re not waiting for me brought me to the bus station as I was about to add more by stress to be by him play over and over again the same abusing me I got to Manchester by the help of another friend, who is missing her dad on his birthday I took Home to pick me up with every store. I wish you had prior prior reservations again I G Dad never met you before and when I would call other people a cheap excuse for another person to terminate boys pick up and meet sport of me I guess that’s illegal to do to people how he has made it what shape or form I got a bar and alcohol little while ago and I’m pretty sure I have enough reason to suspect he sprayed me with a cancer chemical that night, and my wife I just might be for me myself I look like a lunatic. Who knows I just know they can do that stuff. Why did three people die YouTube, book of revelation third of the Earth die so I tried to tell my family again, but there was no come home short celebration. I couldn’t have been back in Manchester for more than a night or two my poor father-in-law, my greatest friend intellectual Christian mine looks like the more I made him see what they were doing the harder deteriorate he has since passed away, but I don’t cry or grieve. I just keep him as my friend and try to limit his expectations of me from every state if nothing else, there’s always something else I resolved to make one more last effort to get the state cl, it was the only part of my life which is still in the power of others that I couldn’t blame Julian now and edit it to the Brockton mass team challenge program immediately my brother brought me there first and seem like a nice place. I should’ve realized the clothes that were put there for my welcome I really did. I didn’t go through a detox. I was picking up to a room with some shaving head, wanna be ya, litter box who Rami down and made me look like a scumbag Napoleon his, my God sake nice black man came and brought me to watch initiation movie I can get some sleep and the guys they’re all Steve January, except for the little Caesars in the pasture, seeing the prices for the number one addiction healing source for an ice-skating show. Me TV queasy. I kept getting hit with an activity in a detox right after I realize I was in another hole. The guys in the program knew something was wrong and approach find me a genuine I don’t know anything all the truth lying about this hurts my soul and I said the New World order made it here back with a Director who told me I could stay I needed to go to say hospitalization. I must say I was relieved to get away from the masquerade. Your Bible said awesome to many times on the way out. The pastor said the usual punchline. we’re praying for you. I’m not God know do I have the right to at least judge anyone in my own eyes, but I think that anyone who has the audacity to say that they’re praying for you when they hold the key and the suicide holocaust is lucky enough I should mention it, he brought me to good Samaritan hospital and dumped me off on that baby shirt I got sent to Saint Elizabeth Cambridge mass where I met for the first time a Doctor Who is not afraid to talk about the watches I got a Subutex after every detox any l sleep in my own recommendation of Librium, is a really good dreams at night, though I will say tolerance to a banjo extra accelerates really fast and they’re only work twice a week and it doesn’t develop. I told one of the patients there that I knew that the email he told me different colors. I remember one time when they turn my nose to blaspheme Zachariah chapter 5 and then the doctor later asked me about it as he said it wrong I assume I was told on so I didn’t know that I did that he just heard me talking things like that. I still have no proof but yet I have about a p on one healing. Oh yeah before this when I was up north, I took a Hidden speed turn my new is the color of pencil lead to signify the passage of Zachariah five I put down the light power over. It’s now doing that very night excursion when I try to drive home thank you I want drugs and my sister that’s how they do it and I can’t be pulled all over the road heard how they got people in accident who asked so I didn’t drive that night but my face doctors who is registered by so I’m grateful I wanted to go to the sober house, but I know way less you have to stay out of prison it’s not for anybody who is the devil meet you by your old bed delivered I got out to Lomas. They hardly even took any time to talk to me or give me the papers that I need to fill out and come back and fill out next Tuesday so I was blessed to be near so many recovery or antibiotics just the best people there really are but I was too far into life to get depressed so I got out at five downtown give me a bottle of pills and then I thought about how to get to stop speaking about the words and making put a spell on me that was crushing like nothing I’ve ever dealt with before and I’ve been using heroin about 2004 did you go away? I don’t know if it’s all their blaspheming the human spirit or both I met a good guy who help me manage the score in attic door like that I met up with who took us all to his place and we use and even let me keep my belongings there tonight for $20. Every time board more I got the more I did for my future in the clinic there I called my bank but I ran out of money and they sent me 50 bucks to get home. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to get out of place next to possible you have to take the tree to Boston Street actually prime first time in 10 years because of me not over me not over beauty which I am still a sucker for five by gods grace and a couple here by sweetheart give you $10 and all she wanted was a thank you it was nice for something else. Looking for for a long time the shelter treated me like shit and probably tried to get me arrested for waiting for bad eggs but I’ve n to see the black and white vocabulary which separates us from animals. I do remember the night before walking miles in free styling for miles. If I didn’t know any better by the time that I got a shelter, everyone knew you knew it was me when I talk, but I don’t know I got on my phone and watch live, but it wasn’t live it looked they would like some sort of artificial intelligence performing you show me some Nephilim, don’t everything to get me out of there. I even showed it to her and said sorry for not knowing it’s whatever I saw and reacted glass eve image of the president and reacted. My thoughts a savage poop to the door by my head told me I was in the wrong place and made my way towards the hospital. A police car stopped, and I asked for directions and was told one way when a few miles or less told me I’ve been scammed another parked police car appeared and I approached it. He sent me the opposite way. Oh yeah, the GPS on my phones always being tampered with. I knew when I had been double crossed and called 911 to do the only thing a New Hampshire resident knows how to do to get clean or get out which is suicidal ideation in New Hampshire. It is the single only way to get admitted to a hospital if you need to get off the street in Massachusetts all you have to do is say you want to get clean and they put you in the same place. I don’t know why also fat Noll doesn’t show up in your analysis is in hospitals and police stations in New Hampshire but it does in mass wear methamphetamines do not show up. They just show up as amphetamines. I’ve thought this went down to death and can’t get a real answer on it. It’s just kind of crooked sounding to me. They got there the EMTs and ambulance got there one second before the police the same two pigs who tried to ruin my night I would refuse to speak to them, and they got really mad and told me I was a punk and then I just knew they wanted to break my skull open. When I got to sense hospital I chose to go to Saints because of the names. There’s two in law I was put in a hallway with a few other one was from another country and you came up to me and said you’re my brother right? I know you you’re my brother I didn’t know what to say and I didn’t know him so I didn’t say anything he said I know you bro my brother I heard you the sadist pig, the EMT who gave me the Covid test tried to shatter my blood barrier and I blew out a good one like 2 ounces of blood at least 1 ounce, but I couldn’t watch them do it to the other guys there she remember the entire staff of the emergency room staring as they did it to one of us I spit some little verses to the first TI that are seem to know my MO and I said yeah that’s all you get they do this shit to meet you he says I’m from Haiti my brother tried to write a book on it human trafficking I suspect he meant his own brother back home. I was thinking of the song bats fly in the rain by Holocaust and the other guy next to me said baptized in the rain so I thought we were thinking the same thing so a beautiful nurse named Christine brought me upstairs to wait for a bed somewhere. Everyone on that floor looks like me the big for head unibrow, and kind of physical attributes, I freestyle in my head the whole time as his only human when you don’t know, I just acted like everyone heard it and whether they did or not, they all appeared to act as if they did and we were all rhyming together when we talked the brother next to me, put on a show of end time scenarios in Boston and the East Coast. All the words in subtitles were different names for other ties that I had known mine was ship that week. I remember that when I was on my way to the teen challenge that there was a war ship on fire for three or five days or some horrible thing. Worship is one of my r. I can’t find it on the Internet anymore except that it happened at a completely different time than I remember it happening. When the next move came on, the TVs got shut off or something I saw when I slept I was in a jail and was being chased through complexes by some dummy from goosebumps who stabbed me a bunch of times and when I woke up, the janitor was crying over me inconsolably over all of us, and what they do to us that I am not constantly living in the mindset of pro, approaching doom of that day, should disturb me if I didn’t want to be happy whenever that itself was free of privacy’s invasion like I tend to do I resolved out of spite to deny any comfort, drugs or prescriptions when I was transferred to Haverhill Pavilion I felt like I was going to be OK. The staff assured me I was put in a good place, and I I had can only hope New Hampshire has come as far since then to be where Massachusetts is now, but it’s never going to be like bread like it used to be here. When I remember of my story, there was all good, but for one incident one meeting the first psychiatrist I took for evil but I’m not so proud as to say, now, I may have been mistaken, because I didn’t get what I wanted. All I do remember being asked to recess, and when I came back, the nurse cried in the street and whore I suspect at my being molested by them, or what was being told by what they plan to do to me like to do it to us. Anyways, I got put on Seroquel which I cheat and spit out and took for the four days off so if your tax were good enough to give me, and I was alone in my room, until my roommate arrived I kept dreaming. We were staring at each other, and talking through telekinesis in the dream state about Louis these little metal spores that floated on air and dissolved in our skin when we were kids and he told me about the videos of the military shooting police what I remember being called Jade Home, when I did wake up and saw him staring at me, exactly as I had dreamed or was aware of during my rest of that adventure, I have not much else to say other than remembering as many of them, as I can in my daily prayers of the rosary, which I have had to take breaks from over the years due to its potent, and for my own reservations I had to get my New Hampshire shrink to let me go so they made me fond farewell and I got to keene since that’s where my prescriptions were able to get to me ASAP and I had to meet my team there to get them. It was only a day or so before the recruit forced me into a hospital there where I might add where are you? I was barbarically meds for more of an I have sent shrugged off, but I took a Quran from there the message of the Quran with me after being given Subutex, and doing some hallway time when I was in the safety tank, the garden, his associate made sure I knew they gave them my phone password, the air, the air, Fishel, intelligence, voices, or whatever they are, and could give anyone any sort of code or password. They want you to an iPhone a droid or whatever you think is secure. Sorry to lay that on you if you didn’t know they sent me to the Portsmith hospital on the seacoast where I had to prove my sleep paralysis and PTSD instead of schizophrenia to a couple doctors before they put me on Librium. I remember the one and a half hour piece I got going over the song if you’re going to San Francisco from the 60s before I woke up just as embarrassed to be so visible and victorious over my corrected prescription the only give that stuff the alcoholics were having DTs so they don’t die you know, Rita person shall remain named. Let me see how the hospital crossword puzzle was all about me. I remember the girl voice I call Lena saying wait for it when I read service 1774. Yes stuff is a new car and I still didn’t see how the entire addition of that translation of Quran was entirely aimed at blaspheming my person somehow someone left a present for me. I have it in a container of spit, and God knows what else I believe Mersa in a cup sealed with the number 25 written on it at 8:25 written on it as to blaspheme Genesis is 15th verse those which creep on the Earth I think it was Marissa whoever stole my rosary. I guess it’s just doing their job because I never get those back, but I got sent home after I developed Mersa and cellulitis in my legs immediately I went to keene ER twice Peterborough went Concord city hospital for one week and they all kept saying I was fine and nothing came back in my blood work if they even took any, and the only thing they saw was my blood pressure was abnormally low. They never gave me clean sheets once and I can’t believe I even ate the food. Lord bless and keep the kitchen workers in the hospitals who I do not believe, ever poisoned me in prayer so my friends, let the doctors at Concord city know I was OK to leave and they sent me home. The driver even gave me some cigarettes when I saw I wasn’t in for any help in Keene. I kept going back for more hoping to land a room, or an apartment or something, and I took some Xanax and I got a cab to my friends in Manchester, the driver had the seat pushed all the way back to ruin my ride like they do, and there was a presence of some entity in his passenger seat. I saw at least once, and it looked like it should’ve been named Xanax or someth whatever it was it look like it hated me and was named the Xanax, or whatever it was it hated me more than just a hologram wood. I didn’t have enough money to keep a crackhead happy so I got into the clinic there and the shelter in Manchester, the people kept admitting me told me you know you have a right not to be treated like that right anyways I was the only bad caught there with humor written right on it. I was OK at first if you’re OK with being swaddled with food and love and stuff till I saw that any time from the first time I slip I was made the objective sport to get me to hurt someone else, since I obviously wasn’t suicidal and look at myself in prison so I won’t be able to see someone someday I think the game is 150,000 to the winner or something like that I have a good reason to suspect that and I’ve been told that from them at least one higher up who has helped me greatly and then I suspect it’s just because when we both get to prison, I’ll be the one teaching you the psalms which I have 150 chapters when I made my exit there I met my friend who we went out to S. Willow St. behind Bob’s furniture. We stayed a good while they’re made those thing and slipping and him making fires and trying to salvage his family relationships. He picked up that when I was asleep I made noises like a little kid being hurt or something. He said I’ve never seen anything like what they do to this guy when he’s sleepin he went home to his moms eventually this cat things kept coming up missing or tags from shirts being left there to make me out to be Saul or something it started to become a hotspot for junkie game players to leech after me when I walked around town, tell me to my sight the length of S. Willow St. was flooded with cars of people watching me walk and snitches trying to make me crack church always ended up being made to be about me. AAA halls were full of people who made sure I knew I was not welcome. I tried to work, but was forced out of every opportunity, and no one in their right mind could withstand the assault to which I was subject. I’ve been all over the road trying to get clean since then my last rehab will be my last rehab within one day I was forced out, and after being set up all the worst to be arrested or at least to send me back to the street and all for sticking up for myself I ended up living outside by a river in Keene with a couple other Christian attics home, the powers sought to turn against me. I pray for them, not often enough, but at this point once you hurt me your last on my list, my dirt job dishwashing proved a bust on the night of the light of the temple 2021 and they ritualistically fed me soap and set me up for torture all well known to the establishment I’ve had enough I got into the clinic there, but every single place I went there were people trying to to make me snap?

“Wisom have I given You, to your children, and your posterity, that they may reveal to their children, for generations forever, this wisdom in their thoughts; and that those who comprehend may not slumber, but hear with their ears; that they may learn this wisdom, and be deemed worthy of eating wholesome food”

2 Corinthians 12:7

  •  “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure”

The manipulation of body

  • this photograph while by no means as convincing as I would like, attempts to display a feature the ‘watchers’ can use that impresses a mark on the forehead, to blaspheme the book of Revelation and the mark of the beast
  • here is a photo I took when they turned my nose the color of graphite to blaspheme the passage in Zechariah where the Angel pushes the lead cover of the mouth of the ephah”. Although I would wish to credit the Elohim for the manipulation of physical matter, this took place the day after I was hit with the “choke effect” which forces upon the target the sensation of being asphyxiated, to the point that when the target screams it is effected in similar (or identical) fashion to a heavy metal singer. When I tried to drive home they pulled my wheel to get me in an accident and I had to postpone my interests that day


Stephen Hess-administrator and owner of L.O.R.E. street ministries


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Stephen Arthur Hess on Facebook, You Tube, 603-826-2054 + stephenarthurhess@gmail.com